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Another memory one more recent. Savage and Monster are on a job hunting a monster but Savage sprains his ankle getting pinned. The Monsters go after Savage from all directions and closeby Monster is boxed in by the Monsters. He sees the Monsters go after an injured Savage and Monster says "SAVAGE DON'T WORRY I'M ON MY WAY!" Savage says "DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME SAVE YOURSELF LITTLE BROTHER!" Monster says "NO I AM GOING TO SAVE YOU!" Monster is hit by one of the Monster's than a second one hits him a third a fourth a fifth a sixth a seventh and finally the eighth. Monster is face down in the dirt he lifts his head and says "Shit I left myself open and they took advantage and attacked if not for my armour i'd be dead it took the force of four of their attacks I don't think we will make it out of here alive" At that moment Savage yells "MONSTER DON'T WORRY I WILL PROTECT YOU WITH MY POWER I WILL KILL THEM AL.L!" Savage is hit in the gut by one of the Monsters this causes him to collapse but at that moment something inside of Monster snaps and a burst of power finds it's way out of him. Monster gets to his feet and says "I WILL NOT STAND BY AND WATCH AS MONSTERS KILL MY BROTHER I WILL FIGHT TO PROTECT HIM I WILL FIGHT TO SURVIVE I WILL FIGHT TO WIN!" Monster attacks he blasts a hole through the Monsters around him teleports over to Savage and blasts a hole through the Monsters around him and his brother than says "Are you ok brother?" Savage says "YOU WILL NEVER SURPASS ME I WON'T ALLOW IT!" Monster collapses.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now