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A few weeks later the anouncment for pairings for the first round of Battle of The Gods says "ALICE THE GODLY ANGEL AGAINST JILL THE FIRE GODDESS!" John listens for his name but doesnt hear it and just before the end of the anouncement he hears "AND JOHN THE HUMAN AGAINST FLASH THE LIGHTNING GOD! THAT'S IT FOR TODAY'S MORNING ANNOUNCEMENTS!" The entire class go over to Flash and says "CONGRADULATIONS FOR WINNING THE FIRST ROUND OF BATTLE OF THE GODS IT'S GOING TO BE AN INSTANT VICTORY!" Flash says "I know this will be an easy victory but Alice how do you feel about your first match?" Alice says "It won't even be much of a challenge for me to win" Later that day John trains with Veangeance some more and four days later. The day of the first round of The Battle of Gods Alice is ready for battle. The Anouncer says "NOW PREPARE FOR ONE OF THE BEST FIGHTS THAT WILL TAKE PLACE TODAY NOW WELCOMEIN JILL THE FIRE GODDESS!" A girl enters the battlefeild than the Anouncer says "NOW WELCOMEING ALICE THE GODLY ANGEL!" Alice makes her way to the battlefeild and the Anouncer says "LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!" Jill blasts a Ball of Fire at Alice who puts it out with Water than says "Is that all you've got if so you need to GET OUT OF MY RING!" Alice is suddenly engulfed in Fire Water Lightning Nature Wind and Life Energy she moves at the speed of sound and attacks knocking Jill unconscious in the blink of an eye. The Anouncer says "HERE IS YOUR WINNER ALICE THE GODLY ANGEL!" Alice leaves the ring.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now