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Lucy says "Come on let's be friends I am trying to ask nicely but I don't mind using force on you!" John says "Fine we'll be friends" Sally says "Can I also be your friend John?" John says "Sure knock yourself out" John walks away later that day the Lunch bell rings and John tries to ask Alice to eat lunch with him when two people enter the room they go to John and say "HEY JOHN WANT TO EAT LUNCH WITH US?" John says "Why would I eat Lunch with you?" Lucy says "IN THE SPIRIT OF MAKING FRIENDS!" John says "Sure i'll go beats eating in the usal spot" John follows Lucy and Sally as they look for a place to eat they end up eating outside. A week later the Anouncement says "ALICE THE GODLY ANGEL AGAINST HENRY THE POSION GOD!" As before John's match is anounced last "THE FINAL FIGHT WILL BE GEORGE THE GOD OF SPEED AGAINST JOHN THE HUMAN!" John hears Lucy say "John you need to be careful George is said to be untochable when he uses his full speed" John says "I know I got this" Later that day John masteres the power of Fire he than starts to train his body even more with the end of this training John Sally and Lucy all become close friends and on the day of the fight Lucy and Sally says "Good luck John we will be cheering for you!" John says "Thank you I might need the support" The Announcer says "IT'S TIME FOR OUR FIFTH FIGHT WELCOMEING ALICE THE GODLY ANGEL!" Alice makes her way to the battlefeild and The Announcer says "AND HER OPPONENT HENRY THE POSION GOD!"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now