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The Doctor says "Let me give it to you straight your arms will never be the same and for your legs they will never be the same sorry kid that's how it is" Kale says "I'm sorry that you have to live with this John" John says "That's not true Doctor they will get back to normal they have already healed enough for me to do this" John pulls himself to his feet with his arms he stands than says "I have Miricle Healing capable of well Miricle Healing so after a month or so they will return to normal well they will still be burned to a crisp but still useable!" Kale says "That's impressive John but I still can't belive that in thirty seconds you did this much damage to your body" John says "I'm sorry but I have to go bye!" John teleports he appears before Veangeance and says "How did it go?" John says "I have won but greatly damaged my body in the process" Veangeance says "Well on the bright side your a step closer to your goal!" John says "Yeah and tomorrow I will confess my feelings to Alice!" In hideing Kale over hears this news later that day she goes to the hospital to visit Alice a nurse says "ALICE YOU HAVE A VISITER!" Kale enters the room she walks over to Alice's hospital bed and says "I order you to reject John when he goes to confess his feelings towards you break his heart and don't say anything about our meetings now carry on as you were until John tries to confess his feelings towards you" Kale leaves.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now