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Jasmine says "That will have to wait because we need him at one hundred percent after we are done you can give him his punishment" Luck says "Keep an eye on him I trust you but he might try to escape again" Jasmine says "Don't worry about that he won't be able to escape me" Meanwhile Veangeance says "Berserker? Why are you here?" Berserker says "I need your help" Veangeance says "Help with what?" Berserker says "The other Conqueror's have been captured and can be killed at anytime and to save them we need the Wolf pack" Veangeance says "So we are getting the Wolf Pack back together i'm in" Berserker says "That's what I was hopeing you'd say let's go" Berserker Veangeance and Jasmine teleport away they soon arrive at an abandoned factory where they hear screams of pure terrior that suddenly turn to screams of pure insanity there is also laughter. After a minute a dark shadowry figure in a dark cloak steps out. Berserker says "Nightmare we need your help to take down an enemy" Nightmare says "I'm not intersted so do it without me" Nightmare vanishes without a trace. Veangeance says "Now what do we do?" Berserker says "Looks like it's just the two of us let's do this" Veangeance says "Yes let's do this!" Not long after Berserker and Veangeance confront the Ultimate Weapons one of them says "It's about time we have been expecting you" Berserker says "Let's do this" Veangeance says "You ready?" Berserker says "Yeah I have new Hyperactive modes and self made modes let's just say I am immune to posion and able to control my Rage power so let's do this!"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now