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The Sword of Veangeance doesn't budge Veangeance says "This is what you will be doing from now to when you lift the Sword after school and on weekends holidays and everyday good luck!" Elsewhere a group of mad Scientists collect a blood sample left behind from the fight with King Bob after a DNA test they say "Now we have Berserker's DNA we already took the Conqueror's DNA Pure Darkness's DNA Veangeance's DNA Madness's DNA Untaimed Conqueror's DNA Madara's DNA Lord Jashin's DNA the DNA of all members of the Ten Despairs both previous and current and DNA of the Five Despairs both previous and current now we just need Monster's and The Lone Wolf's" As luck would have it Monster battles The Lone Wolf she says "I used mostly all of my power over time on him and he has countered all of my attacks but NOT THIS TIME!" The Lone Wolf goes back in time two minutes and attacks Monster counters and attacks he counters eight hundred trillion attacks but than gets hit in the face causeing a drop of blood. Monster than wipes the floor with The Lone Wolf making her bleed than says "Nice one you managed to make me bleed keep up the training and you might beat me" The Lone Wolf says "Thanks so are you" Monster says "I'm not sure it's enough" Later a Sicentist arrives at the location of the training fight thet collect the drop of Monster's blood and The Lone Wolf's blood. They leave and say "We got it Monster's blood and The Lone Wolf's blood!" A voice says "Perfect now take some of my blood and than begin" The figure spills blood from their body and it is collected and stored with the rest of the DNA.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now