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After the first four fights are finished The Announcer says "IT IS TIME FOR OUR FIFTH MATCH NOW WELCOMEING ALICE THE GODLY ANGEL!" Alice starts to make her way to the battlefeild The Announcer says "AND HER OPPONENT JACK THE WIND GOD!" Jack makes his way to the battlefeild than says "YOUR ABOUT TO LOSE LITTLE ANGEL" Alice says "LITTLE ANGEL?" The Announcer says "LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!" Alice moves faster than sound and before anyone can react she has defeated Jack and slowly walks away she says "DON'T EVER CALL ME LITTLE ANGEL" The Announcer says "HERE IS YOUR WINNER ALICE THE GODLY ANGEL!" After the rest of the fights The Announcer says "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR THE FINAL MATCH OF THE SECOND ROUNF OF BATTLE OF THE GODS NOW WELCOMEING LUCY THE GODDESS OF WISEDOM!" Lucy begins to make her way to the battlefeild. People in the crowd begin to cheer but than The Announcer says "AND HER OPPONENT JOHN THE HUMAN!" John makes his way to the battlefeild as he does the crowd starts booing him. Lucy says "HOW IS IT THAT A HUMAN MANAGED TO DEFEAT FLASH THE LIGHTNING GOD!" John says "The same way I got to this point in life because of hard work and never giving up" Lucy says "I see your inferior but your determination allows you to keep going" The Announcer says "LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!" Lucy backs away from John she creates an Energy Bow and Arrow and starts to fire at John. John evades the arrows and loses track of Lucy until she stabs him in the back with an Energy Sword. 

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now