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After awhile another girl walks in she says "What are you doing in my room?" Kale says "I'm sorry sister I failed you he said there was somebody else!" Kale's sister says "Now than all we need to do is take that person out of the picture than I can get close to my savior John now continue to act like me and get information so I know who to send bye bye" Later that day John continues to try to remove the Sword of Veangeance but is unable to get it to move. He tries to move it again and again until the night before the fight with Kale. John manages to remove the Sword a centimeter but than Veangeance says "I'm sorry to do this to you John but we are stopping here for tonight you need to be able to focuss in your fight so we have to end here get some rest" Veangeance removes his Sword than says "Take care" John says "Yes sir master Veangeance good night" John goes home and gets some sleep but on his way he says "I'm doing this to get closer to you Alice until we get closer take care my love" John doesn't notice that he has a stalker following him. The stalker says "Now to tell sister Kale" Kale tells her sister who says "This could be difficult or easy but in the meantime let's prepare for tommorows fight with John" The next day John watches as Alice makes her way to the ring unknowing that she is looking at him from the corner of her eye and smiles. The Announcer says "LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now