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After the next matches it is right before the final match and some kids and teachers say "HEY FLASH GO EASY ON THE KID YOU DON'T WANT TO KILL HIM AND GET DISQUALIFIED DO YOU!?" Flash says "DON'T WORRY I'LL END IT WITH ONE LIGHTNING ATTACK!" At that moment the match begins and The Announcer says "IT'S TIME FOR THE FINAL MATCH FOR THE FIRST ROUND AND NOW WELCOMEING FLASH THE LIGHTNING GOD!" Flash makes his way to the ring. The Announcer says "AND HIS OPPONENT JOHN THE HUMAN!" John makes his way to the ring and Flash says "You should have stayed home you would be safer at home than here but if you throw the fight now I might let you live for the next week what do you say?" John says "I am not going to give up because I am going to win this!" Flash says "You are going to regreat that choice!" At that moment they both hear "LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!" Flash shoots Lightning at John however John evades the Lightning. Flash says "TAKE THIS FILTHY HUMAN!" Flash fills the sky above the ring with Lightning than throws the Lightning at John. John evades the Lightning but is than hit from behind with a Ball of Lightning causeing Lightning to spread over John's body. Flash says "YOUR NO MATCH FOR A GOD GIVE UP TRYING TO REACH GOD LEVEL!" John clenches his teeth and everyone is surprized to see him still standing. John says "YOUR TIME IS UP PREPARE YOURSELF!" John's power starts to increase it increases and is senesed by everyone in the crowd. John says "THIS IS WHERE THE FUN REALLY BEGINS!" Flash says "WITH YOUR POWER I NO LONGER NEED TO GIVE YOU A HANDICAP!"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now