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A Doctor says "Their ready but they still lack exsperience and self control" The person says "I could care less abut that are they ready or not?" The Doctor says "They are ready" The person says "Good send them out to do their job!" The Doctor says "Very well" The Doctor pushes a button and two very powerful Monsters awaken. The Doctor says "It's time to begin the hunt you know which one to go for first" The two people disappear in two minutes they have taken down the entire army of Vampires under Vampire Queen Kale she says "DARLING THEY HAVE TAKEN DOWN THE ENTIRE ARMY WE NEED TO ESCAPE!" Pure Darkness says "Not going to happen I will handle this myself but Kale you know we need stronger Vampires right?" Kale says "PLEASE DON'T GO WE CAN STILL ESCAPE!" Pure Darkness says "Not going to happen I am fighting while I do that you escape and inform the other's about this threat" Kale says "NO I WANT TO STAY WITH YOU I CAN HELP!" Pure Darkness says "I SAID GO NOW!" Kale says "JUST MAKE SURE YOU COME BACK TO ME!" A wall close by comes crashing down and two people enter the building Pure Darkness says "I WILL TAKE YOU BOTH DOWN!" One of the two people says "You are first on the list prepare for your defeat Pure Darkness" Pure Darkness says "I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE TO YOU!" Pure Darkness attacks but he is unable to connect a single strike he says "OH SO THATS HOW IT IS I GUESS I HAVE BUT TO USE MY FULL POWER VERY WELL!" Pure Darkness uses the power of being a Vampire and his Full Power.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now