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Savage laughs he says "Hard work? Your crazy that's not helpful at all power is more important without it your pathetic!" Another memory of when Savage and Monster were ten they are in Survival Training. They are attacked by a massive heard of giant boars. Monster evades their attacks and counters some of their attacks as Savage hits them with Death Beam's blasting a hole into all of the Boars killing them he says "That's not even a challenge but Monster you need to get more power your hard work won't be enough to save you from enimies!" Monster says "Power isen't enough to survive either you need hard work or else I will surpass you!" Savage luaghs than says "As if you will never surpass me!" Another memory of Savage and Monster as teenagers. They are on their first job as Bounty Hunters. They are ambushed by an army of bodyguards. Monster says "Someone must've leaked information about the mission to the target because he only had a hundred bodyguards but who was it?" Savage says "Who cares all we have to do is bring back their boss right? SO WE CAN JUST DESTROY THE BODYGUARDS!" Monster says "No we can't they are of no concern if we can just sneak past them we can acomplish the mission!" Savage says "Yeah you do that well I attack!" Savage teleprots and Monster says "NO SAVAGE DON'T DO THIS!" Savage says "TELL ME WHERE YOUR BOSS IS OR BE DESTROYED!" The Bodyguards attack Savage says "YOU MADE YOUR CHOICE!" Savage blasts a hole into all of the Bodyguards and takes their boss away he says "Like I said little brother power is everything!" Monster says "Power is nothing without hard work!"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now