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John teleports behind the bushes and the person says "Where did he go?" John says "What do you want Flash?" Flash says "I...I know you are cheating and I am going to find out how" John says "Leave me alone or I will kick your ass" Flash says "Whatever I have better things to do than following you anyway!" Flash leaves John waits until he is out of sight than starts to walk to his desination once again and after ten minutes he realizes that he is still being followed. John says "WHAT DID I TELL YOU FLASH? ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOUR ASS KICKED?" As John finishes he turns around and hears "I woulden't mind if you did that" John says "What do you want Lucy?" Lucy says "I want to know more about you" John says "Why do you care?" Lucy says "I can help you if you let me know more about you" John says "Help me how?" Lucy says "I can help with your training" John says "No thanks" John leaves he goes to Veangeance and begins his training but he is watched by Lucy who conceals her presence from John. Around ten John leaves Veangeance says "You can come out now little lady!" Lucy says "How did you know I was here?" Lucy reveals herself. Veangeance says "I could sense you now tell me what do you want?" Lucy says "What can you tell me about John?" Veangeance says "John has a younger brother named Chuck when Chuck was only two he lost his parents in a car crash John blames himself for their death and now not only takes care of himself but of Chuck as well I know that and much more"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now