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Alice opens the letter and finds a card she opens the card and reads it. The Card says "I know your secreat and will tell everyone about it unless you meet me alone at the Junkyard later tonight show up with anyone else your screat will be revealed don't show up it's revealed i'll be waiting for you Alice" Alice says "No it can't be that's impossible how can anyone know about that? It's not I have to go" Meanwhile John arrives he looks over at his Energy Clone and sees as he lifts The Sword of Rage. John says "So your still at it? That's a little disaponting" Veangeance says "Your also still at it now get to it you have to catch up!" Veangeance puts The Sword of Veangeance into the ground than steps back he says "BEGIN!" John goes over to the Sword of Veangeance and begins to lift it up than put it back down and lift it back up again and again. Veangeance says "I need to see an old friend but i'll be back shortly take care and don't stop you would hate to have to start from scratch!" Veangeance leaves with teleportation and appears in front of two others he says "HOW'S IT GOING BERSERKER?" Berserker says "You stole my Sword again why?" Jasmine says " BERSERKER YOU SAID I COULD HAVE IT!" Veangeance says "I am training a human to use Deadman's Blessing but they used an Energy Clone in battle" Berserker says "So what's that have to do with you stealing my Sword?" Veangeance says "That Energy Clone used Hyperactive Mode" Berserker says "Hyperactive Mode? Ah so you came to me for advice I get it and they are learning to control both modes so you need someone that can already use that power so tell me how far have they come?"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now