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After a brief conversation Kale says "So your here for the same reason?" Alice says "Yeah do you have any idea who sent the letters?" Kale says "No clue" At that moment a person concealing their identity says "Glad you could make it Alice the Godly Anel and Kale the Blood Goddess i've been expecting your arrival!" Alice says "Who are you?" The person says "That's for me to know and for you to never learn!" Kale says "Becareful!" Alice says "DON'T WORRY I GOT THIS!" Alice attacks her body is engulfed in flames Wind Lightning Nature Ice Darkness Light and Water Energy as she makes her way to the person. However she suddenly returns to normal and Alice says "What the? My power it's gone!" The person pins Alice to the ground Alice says "GET OFF OF ME!" Kale walks over to Alice she says "KALE PLEASE HELP ME!" Kale says "No I don't think so I was going to kill you but that would end badly so I came up with a diffrent way to get rid of you hold still this might hurt a little" Alice says "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Kale pulls out a blade gets to one knee than says "Just a small drop of blood and I will control you for the rest of time" Kale cuts Alice than licks up some of her blood. Kale says "Ok you did what you needed now leave and remember we never met" The person says "You never saw me" The person leaves Kale says "Go home and never talk about this night or that letter to anyone" Alice goes home. One week later the Match ups are announced.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now