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The fight begins early on it's clear to see that Berserker and Veangeance have the disadvantage. They go to full power but still have the disadvantage. Veangeance says "You know how you have control over every Hyperactive stage?" Berserker says "Yeah why?" Veangeance says "Because I also have control over every Deadman's Blessing mode let's go use that unbeatable power!" Berserker uses his all out power so does Veangeance and it is still clear that they have the disadvantage. Veangeance says "WATCH AS I USE MY FULL POWER!" Veangeance's power surpasses Berserker's power from when he fought The Ultimate Fighter he weilds The Sword of Veangeance than says "BEHOLD THE POWER OF THE MASTER OF VEANGEANCE AND DIE!" Berserker says "I CAN DO THE SAME!" Berserker's power surpasses what it was before it stops at an equal level to Veangeance's power. Berserker also weilds The Sword of Rage and says "LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!" At that moment the two Ultimate Weapons each pull out a sword from their earlier fights. Veangeance says "IT CAN'T BE THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE THESE SWORDS THESE TWO ARE MONSTERS!" The fight continues it is a fight that seems winnable by any of them. Elsewhere a man makes an announcement "MY FELLOW DESTROYERS IT IS TIME THAT WE SAY NO TO BEING CONTROLLED BY A KING LET'S TAKE BACK OUR CONTROL OVER ALL REALITES AND LET THE RISE OF THE DESTROYERS BEGIN!" A bunch of people cheer and than the Destroyers begin their attack to overthrow the King. This causes mass panic. Meanwhile the fight is at a standstill until one of the two Ultimate Weapons increase their power and counter the next attack from Veangeance with an Energy attack to the ribcage. This knocks him down to his knees.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now