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John says "How long will it take to complete this training?" Veangeance says "I would say with school your time spent taking care of Chuck and sleep it will increase the time it will take for training considerably meaning you will be with me for the next six months now than BEGIN!" After the first month passes Berserker is resting on a bence and Jasmine talks to Luck Jasmine says "How can I help you Lucky?" Luck says "Do you know where Veangeance is? Or do you have any idea to where he could be?" Jasmine says "No I don't but I know someone who might know" Jasmine makes a hand signal towards Berserker who is looking up towards the sky. Jasmine and Luck make their way over to Berserker who notices them approching him he says "Do you need something else from me? I am too busy so maybe some other time" Luck stops infront of Berserker and says "Hello Berserker as you might know Veangeance who I love with all my heart has escaped my affection a month ago and i've been looking for him do you know where I can find him? Or do you have any idea to where he might be? If you can do can you please let me know?" Berserker moves his eyes to all directrions than at Luck and says "No I do not and even if I did know or had a clue to where he could be I WOULD NEVER TELL YOU THAT LOCATION!" Luck's eyes turn crimsion as she says "Is that so imagine that it was Jasmine instead of Veangeance what would you do in that situation?" Berserker says "It would suck because I need her for training but I could get over it why?"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now