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Veangeance frezzes in fear his teeth begin chattering he is trembleing but he manages to say "I know that voice how are you Luck? How's life?" Luck says "Glad you asked life's great but do you know what sucks about life?" Veangeance manages to say "No what?" Luck says "What sucks is when the person you love runs away and hides from you it makes you want to die" Veangeance manages to say "Yes right that is terrible" Luck says "Yeah it was but now I have found that person and by that person I mean you and I will never let you go you are my soulmate but you ran away from me and for that you must be punished" Veangeance manages to say "Punished?" Luck says "Yes punished it's the only way that I will be able to make you understand now than brace yourself!" Veangeance manages to say "No wait I only left to help someone get with the one they love I didn't do anything wrong!" Luck says "That's nice of you to do but you will still need to be punished!" Luck takes out a bag sticks her hand in she pulls something out she says "No not the flamethrower not the taser not the whip not the gun not the laser gun come on where is it?" After a few more tries she pulls out a knife she says "There it is now than it's punishment time prepare to learn!" Luck strikes but is stopped when a knife blocks her knife and a man knocks Veangeance to the ground. Luck says "Jasmine what do you want? Can't you see that I am busy?!"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now