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John finishes his lunch than he returns to class and hears laughter. He enters the room and the laughter stops John says "Did something happen?" Someone says "No nothing much by the way how was lunch?" John says "Lunch was nice and yours?" The person says "Not bad not bad at all" John says "That's ood to hear well have a nice day" The person says "You take care also John my buddy!" Later that day John goes to Veangeance he says "I am ready to learn master Veangeance please teach me" Veangeance says "John do you remember what I told you about Hyperactive and Deadman's Blessing?" John says "Yes Hyperactive is fuled by Rage and Haterid and Deadman's Blessing is fuled by Guilt and Veangeance" Veangeance says "Yes that is correct but I was talking about how the two are brothers let me add that Hyperactive is advanced compared to others like it that was created by humans of Earth Nine each generation is diffrent they are changed to help the humans of Earth Nine to survive beacuase as their environment changes they also need to change in order to adapt that is why there are so many but at one point there was a cival war between the humans some wanted to bring destructrion to other living creatures others wanted peace and the ones that wanted destructrion created Deadman's Blessing they used it to gain an advantage over Hyperactive because they belived that with both Hyperactive and Deadman's Blessing they coulden't be stopped that was before a fight broke out between the ones that wanted destructrion and that side wiped themselves out of exsistence and unlike it's brother Deadman's Blessing is not as advanced as Hyperactive..."

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now