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Nightmare vanishes without a trace. Meanwhile Madness is straped to a table and is alone in a dark room when suddenly she sees a face in the dark she hears "My My Madness look at what they have done to you if you join me I will get you out of here how about it?" Madness nods her head and Nightmare smirks he says "I will get you out in a second" Suddenly Berserker appears he attacks and breaks the restrants off of Madness than disappears. NIghtmare says "I am weak you seed I need fear fear gives me my power with your help I will be able to feed on the fear of your victims" Madness says "As you wish I will give you the fear tou need to regain your lost power" Nightmare laughs as Madness escapes the hospital leaveing a trail of corpses behind her Nightmare following close behind. The next day on his way to school John is stopped by a group of kids outside of the school building John says "What do you guys want from me?" The group of kids go over to John they surround him as one of them makes their way to the front they say "I no we were all wrong to treat you so poorly on behalf of the students we would like to say we are sorry please accept our apoligy!" John says "Don't bother I coulden't care one way or another now let me through" The kids moves out of John's path and John walks into the school he runs into Lucy and Sally he says "How are you two doing?" Lucy says "Now you talk to us why diden't you say anything yesterday?"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now