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This hurts John a lot Lucy removes the Blade than says "DETERMINATION IS NOT ENOUGH TO DEFEAT INTELLIGENCE YOU LOSE!" John smirks and trips Lucy with a spinkick to her feet knocking her off balence but the pain in his back prevents him from moveing out of the way and Lucy comes crashing down on top of him her chest on his face. Lucy's face turns bright red and she starts to attack John letting rage cloud her mind. John gets to his feet manages to turn the fight around and deilivers a winning spinkick to Lucy's head knocking her unconscious. John gets to his feet and walks away from Lucy. The Announcer says "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE HAVE A WINNER JOHN THE HUMAN!" People in the crowd say "THAT WAS A FLUKE VICTORY!" John leaves and holds a hand up to his wound putting presure on the wound. He goes home and wraps some bandages around his wound and upper body he talks to Veangeance and he says "How did it go?" John says "I got stabbed in the back" Veangeance says "You should never take your eyes off of your enemy but we need to close that wound of yours" John says "No need I don't mind in fact it's a reminder to never lose track of my enemy" Veangeance says "Now than you should learn to control one of the four basic elements like Water or Fire Wind and Nature it depends on you though" John says "I don't mind mastering them all" Veangeance says "Well let's just start with Fire ok" John says "Ok" Veangeance says "You had a tough day so we start tommorow after school no sooner now go home and rest!" John says "Yes Master"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now