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George says "WHY BOTHER I ALREADY BEAT HIM HE CAN'T WIN!" The Announcer says "HERE IS YOUR WINNER GEORGE THE GOD OF" John says "Not yet i'm not done yet I can still fight let me fight" The Announcer looks from John than to George who says "It's fine continue the fight!" The Announcer says "LET THE FIGHT CONTINUE!" George says "YOU DON'T KNOW WHEN TO GIVE UP DO YOU? WELL IT DOESNT MATTER THE RESULT WILL BE THE SAME EVERYTIME!" John says "THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK BUT YOUR WRONG BECAUSE I WILL WIN THIS FIGHT!" George says "WE SHALL SEE ABOUT THAT WAIT WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR EYES? WHAT IS HAPPENING?" John's eyes are bright blue he has a grin on his face he says "What's wrong havent you heard of Deadmans Blessing?" George trembles he says "D.ead man's .. blessing?" John says "That's right I have Deadmans Blessing I am never going to lose when I have this right? Now than LETS END THIS FIGHT!" George says "YOU WILL LOSE!" George attacks at full speed but John evades the attack than counters with a spinkick. He knocks George unconscious The Announcer says "HERE IS YOUR WINNER JOHN THE HUMAN!" John leaves the battlefeild removeing the quidence speachless John runs into Lucy and Sally they say "CONGRAUDLATIONS JOHN WE ALWAYS KNEW YOU COULD BEAT HIM WAY TO GO!" John says "Thank.. you.I..couldent..have done it better myself" John collapses and is unconscious. When John comes too he finds himself in the Nurse's office he hears someone say "Hello John how do you feel?" John says "Hello Lucy I feel ok I guess" Sally says "That's good to hear" John says "I'm sorry I failed to win he beat me and gets to advance to the next round"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now