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Flash's body is engulfed with Lightning than he attacks. John evades Flashe's Lightning Strikes with ease. Than Flash says "WHAT IS GOING ON!? FACE MY LIGHTNING BLADE!" Flash gathers Lightning Energy around his right hand and creates a Lightning Energy Blade than says "THIS ENDS NOW!" Flash attacks Lightning Bolts and Balls of Lightning from his left hand Lightning Sword on his right hand. However John evades his attacks but says in his head "Shit I don't know how to create an Energy Sword so I should keep my distance from his Lightning Sword" That's when Alice yells "FLASH GO EASY ON HIM HE'S ONLY HUMAN!" Flash says "YEAH I'LL GO EASY ON HIM!" At that moment John teleports infront of Flash and says "YOU SHOULD NEVER LEAVE YOURSELF WIDE OPEN!" John hits Flash with a Ball of Power and this causes a smoke cloud. John is kicked into the side of the blechers when the dust clears Flash is revealed. He is using God Mode this gives him the power speed attack defense and Energy of a God. Alice says "FLASH WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHY ARE YOU IN GOD MODE? HE'S ONLY HUMAN!" Flash says "I COULD CARE LESS HE HIT ME NO HUMAN IS ALLOWED TO HIT ME!" John teleports over to Flash and says "I've been waiting for you to use God Mode now I can fight you for real!" Flash says "DON'T TALK DOWN TO ME!" Flash goes for a punch John evades a kick he evades Godly attacks. John evades Flash uses Lightning Mode and God Mode he creates a Godly Lightning Energy Blade and goes for the victory attack. John stops evadeing he catches the Godly Lightning Energy Blade with one hand.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now