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This causes Toney to stagger but it only lasts a second. John goes back to attacking from all sides and after awhile Toney starts to stagger. John goes for the finishing blow but he frezzes in mid air and slams into a wall. John slowly rises to his feet and goes back on the attack. However Toney catches him by one of his feet than stops him from moveing he draws John in and places him in a bearhug. However John disappears and hits Toney with a full force spin kick to the head causeing Toney to stagger. John says "Thanks to that Energy Clone I survived his attack" John is hit with a slap and is sent crashing into a wall. It makes a huge hole in the wall. (The walls are made of reinforced titanium) John hits the floor drenched in blood. Toney says "Did I kill him?" John doesn't move the entire crowd goes silent but than John's head rises and he has a grin. John makes a fist and huge dust cloud is created around Toney as he is hit with a ring filled with Energy Attacks. The entire building starts to shake as if there was an earthquake when the dust clears the crowd sees Toney down on one knee and John back on his feet. John was struggleing to stand he smiles The Announcer says "WHAT A TURN OF EVENTS JOHN HAS REALLY KNOCKED TONEY DOWN TO ONE KNEE THAT'S INCREADIBLE!" Toney gets to his feet than looks right at John. John snaps his fingers and Toney and the rest of the ring is in a blaze of fire. John than hits Toney with Fire balls than a Flameing Energy Cannon.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now