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The final matching is announced "THE FINAL FIGHT OF ROUND TWO WILL BE JOHN THE HUMAN AGAINST LUCY THE GODDESS OF WISEDOM THAT'S IT FOR TODAY'S MORNING ANOUNCEMENY!" Some of the students say "Alice are you going to train before the second round?" Alice says "No need I already know how the fight will end" Later that day John continues to train himself he starts to ask for a sparing partner and Veangeance says "Sure I know the perfect person to do that" Suddenly The Sword of Veangeance appears in the hands of Veangeance he says "I will be your spareing partner NOW ATTACK!" After a few minutes Veangeance says "YOU BEARLY SURIVED TWO SLASHES TRY AGAIN!" Veangeance and John continue and after a few hours John creates an Energy Sword and fights Veangeance. Their Sword fight ends with one attack Veangeance says "AGAIN BOY!" John and Veangeance continue for hours and John manages to keep his Energy Sword intact for twenty Sword Attacks from The Sword of Veangeance at a time. Veangeance says "NOW CREATE AN ENERGY SHEILD!" John creates an Energy Sheild and after a few hours he manages to keep it intact for twenty strikes at a time. They continue to train as John works on createing an Energy Bow and Arrow after a few hours he manages to increase his Arrow capcity to four hundred and his Bow can withstand twenty strikes from The Sword of Veangeance. John than works on useing two Energy Weapons at once than simultansely using them to adapt to the situation he is in. This training is continued for the rest of the week and right until the day of the second round and on that day John starts to prepare for his fight.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now