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Lucy says "That's because we" Someone calls out "JOHN I FINALLY FOUND YOU!" John is knocked to the floor when a girl throws herself at him. John says "WHAT IS GOING ON? WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" The Girl says "What you don't remember me John? That's disapointing because I never forgot you and I have been waiting for the day that we get reunited!" The Girl kisses John causeing a commotion in the classroom and people start gossiping Lucy says "JOHN WHO IS THIS GIRL?" Sally says "YES JOHN WHO IS SHE? TELL US NOW JOHN!" John looks up at Lucy and Sally and says "I don't really know!" The Girl says "You forgot my name and you don't remember me either? That hurts John maybe I need to remind you? Think back eleven years on that hill close to your house a girl five years old is being pushed around and bullied by a group of kids older than her and you went to her rescue and beat the kids up than two months later that same girl is being attacked by a pack of savage wolves but you went to her rescue stopping the wolves don't you remember?" John thinks hard about these events than says "Kale is that you?" Kale hugs John she says "So you do remember me that makes me happy!" John says "Yeah so why are you doing this?" Kale says "Oh I diden't mean to knock you to the floor I was just so happy to see you again" Kale gets off of John and on her own two feet she extends her hand to him he grabs it and gets back to his feet he says "Thank you Kale" Lucy says "So do you want to eat lunch with us John?"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now