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Savage looks at the impact of the attack but is than sent flying with a punch. Monster is badly hurt but is still able to fight he gathers his power and transfers it to each part of his body. He attacks and beats Savage to a bloody pulp. When he stops he realizes what he just did and falls to his knees he says "What have I done I diden't mean to?" Savage is a bloody mess his blood is everywhere around him and all over his body. Savage isen't moveing Monster says "I went too far" Savage coughs up blood than says "Leave me I will be fine and now I know the truth I know what I lack and what I need to do in order to surpass you" Savage becomes unconscious and Monster says "Yeah right as if you could ever surpass me I am the one that will be the strongest" Monster leaves. After a while Savage awakens he gets to his feet and says "Enjoy your victory little brother because I will soon surpass you" Savage limps away but stops to check his pocket. Savage pulls out something and says "Thanks to this Luck Stone I was able to survive that finishing combo attack with out this stone I would have been killed I can't belive I needed a weapon made from that backstabber Bob to survive the fight with my little brother what a pain but it's what needed to be done for me to surpass both Berserker and little brother Monster" Savage leaves the Dimension than says "Let's see what hard work will be able to accomplish for me"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now