Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

    Although I don't know how urgent the     morning sickness was, Biwu guessed that it was probably related to the errand sent by the Holy Master.

    She didn't ask any more questions, only said a few words of "safe journey", and sent them off at the gate of the broken temple.

    Before getting on the horse, King Yu hesitated for a while, and took off a jade pendant from his waist and handed it to Biwu, "If there is anything wrong with the second lady, just send someone to take the jade pendant to Tianxiang Restaurant in Yucheng to find the shopkeeper, and someone will send the news. Pass it on to this king."

    Biwu stretched out her hand to take it, the warm touch spread from her fingertips, she looked at the familiar unicorn pattern on her head, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment, before she thanked her.

    She accepted the kindness, but it was unnecessary to ask someone to find him.

    Seeing a few people get on their horses and gallop away, Biwu watched the water splash on the stagnant road, and a hanging heart finally fell.

    Finally gone!

    Biwu breathed a sigh of relief, and saw Liu Yi stepped forward and said respectfully: "Second girl, let's hurry up to Qichen. If we hurry, we should be able to reach Yingzhou before dark."

    "Okay, brother Liu, please . That's it." Bi Wu nodded, and was supported by Yin Ling on the carriage, the smile between his lips was light, and even his steps were a lot brisk.

    In that room, King Yu and the others quickly rode for more than ten miles and stopped in front of a stream to rest.

    The eleventh prince, Yu Jingyan, took a water bag and threw it to King Yu, and couldn't help but ask: "Sixth brother, tell me the truth, you never like to pay attention to those noble ladies in the capital, why are you this time? And also show kindness and personally escort the second girl from the Anguo Gongfu to Yingzhou?"

    He raised his eyebrows and looked at King Yu with a bit of ambiguity in his eyes, but he saw that King Yu glanced at him lightly and did not answer directly. He, "What did Fu Sheng find?"

    Seeing him mentioning this matter, Yu Jingyan's expression was slightly solemn, "I heard what my subordinates said, I'm afraid it is just as you guessed by the sixth brother, that Fu Sheng colluded with the local salt merchants, created the disaster of the canal, and then used official salt as private salt. , greed and perverted the law..."

    He paused and asked, "The bait has been thrown, what do you want to do with the sixth brother this time?"

    King Yu leaned over the stream to clean his hands, looked at the fish swimming freely underwater, his eyes widened. You Shen, "No hurry, let's see if a big fish will follow."

    Yu Jingyan looked at King Yu silently for a while, thoughtful.

    Outsiders say that his sixth brother is mediocre, and even the simple errands explained by His Majesty are slow to do, but only he knows that his sixth brother is the real hero, and the talent of the person who has a long-term view is not in the crown prince and Cheng. under the king.

    The reason for keeping a low profile and keeping a low profile is just to avoid those ambitious wolves and leopards in the court.

    But this time... "Sixth brother."     Yu

    Jingyan restrained his smile and said sternly, "I just wanted to ask you a question on the eleventh, that second girl Xiao, what do you think?"

He glanced at him, "What do you think I should think?"

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