Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

    It looks like

    she is very tired, but Bi Wu insisted on letting Granny Wen carry the washed child over, leaned on her chest, and drank the first sip of milk.

    She had heard the saying that if the first gulp of a child was the mother's milk, he would be stronger than the child next to him.

    Seeing Xu'er lying in her arms, Biwu couldn't help but look relieved, and as soon as her heart fell, sleepiness and exhaustion surged up like a tide.

    Her eyelids suddenly sank, and she couldn't hold back and fell into a deep sleep.

    Biwu consciously slept for a long time, and when she woke up, she saw a faint candle lit beside the couch. have been replaced.

    She shifted her body slightly, still feeling a little uncomfortable in her waist and abdomen. Through Tanghong's embroidered bed tent, Biwu saw Yinling sitting on the couch, not knowing what she was embroidering by the dim candlelight.

    "Silver Bell..." She called out, only to realize that her voice was hoarse, probably because she used her voice too much on the day of delivery.

    Yin Ling heard the movement, looked up quickly, and said excitedly: "Princess, you are awake!"

    "Princess, wangfei Where is it uncomfortable.

    Grandma Qian and the others hurried in when they heard the sound, seeing Biwu safe and sound, their eyes turned red.

    "Princess, you're finally awake, you've slept all day and night!" Qian Ma said in a hoarse voice.

    "Mother..." Bi Wu coughed twice, clearing her throat, "I'm a little hungry."

    Qian Mama was stunned for a moment, then turned her head and ordered, "Quick, the princess is hungry, order the meal. Fang will bring the prepared porridge, hurry up!"

    "Yes!" Yin Hook responded with a trot and went out.

    Seeing Biwu raising her head slightly, and looking around the house, Mama Qian thought she was looking for King Yu, and explained: "The lord had been with the princess, and was summoned to the palace by His Majesty in the afternoon, and he hasn't come back yet. "

    Biwu nodded slightly and did not deny it, but she was not looking for the King of Fame, she was just looking for her Xuer.

    "Where's the little boy?" she asked.

    "The young master is in the east wing. Nanny Jiang fed her milk an hour ago. I didn't hear any crying at this moment, so I thought I was asleep." Nuyuan is also worried that the young master will be born in less than a month, and his body will be weak. He never thought that our little son is not only lively, but also has a good appetite!"

    Hearing this, Bi Wu was relieved.

    In the previous life, Xu'er was also extremely thin and small. Although she was full-term, she didn't look like she was full-term. In this life, she was born more than ten days earlier, and it didn't look like her anymore.

    Now that the weather is cold and the baby is small, I can't just take it out, wait for a month or two to give birth, and then take it out for people to see, and I'm not afraid that someone will find out the truth of her "premature birth".

    After a while, Yin Hook brought a bowl of shredded chicken porridge. Bi Wu was so hungry that Gululu drank two bowls of soup before giving up. After eating the porridge, she quickly regained some strength.

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