Revelations. No, not like the Bible

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The minute your feet touched the ground, and despite the October chill, the flowers bloomed.

You froze in place, watching wide eyes as the tumbling hills around you sprung to life with fully bloomed foxglove, honeysuckle and oxeeye daisy, despite all of it having been brittle and dead mere seconds ago. It was like something out of a movie, and it filled you with both wonder and fear. What the hell was this? how was this even possible?

"I think...I think you did this, Y/N." Said Kenny McCormick, the kid who could come back from the dead, and you realized how stupid it was to question how something like this was possible.

"...Me?" You asked, turning to look at Kenny as he squeezed your hand gently, nodding. "I've...noticed it around you. Plants dying or blooming. I know it sounds crazy but powers like that are real, Y/N. I..I can come back from the dead." Oh. Oh shit. You hadn't told him that you knew yet. You should probably do that, you didn't want another Cartman fiasco. "I can't die...and nobody remembers." "..I do." You whispered, and it was like the world around you stood still. Kenny stared at you with wide blue eyes and you swallowed, your mind going a thousand miles an hour to think of what to say.

"When we were kids," You finally started, "We were leaving church, my foster mother was scolding me for falling asleep, and you were just...staring." You thought back to that dream. You and Kenny, in his own personal cemetery. In your dream he said he'd noticed for the first time how your foster parents were treating you, but that was just a dream, right? You didn't know anymore. "You were staring at me and not paying attention, and you got run over. Then a few days got shot." You licked your lips, images of Kenny in his hero costume laying in a puddle of blood flashing through your mind. "You...You remember?" Kenny asked, his voice hoarse. You nodded, reaching out to cup his face in your hands. It was wet. Oh god, he was crying. Had you fucked up?? "I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was just scared and-"

Kenny's lips crashed against yours with such a forced it actually hurt and made you stagger a bit. Your eyes were wide while Kenny's had closed, his freckled cheeks flushed. His arms had wrapped tightly around your waist and he held you pressed against him. Your heart was pounding in your ears and while still trying to keep your balance you moved your arms to his neck, only to lose your balance and fall to the ground, pulling Kenny down with you, and on top of you. He broke the kiss and stared down at you, both of you breathing heavily.

"..One day I'm gonna be good enough to marry you."

The people that you must remember (Kenny x Reader) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now