A flashback that isn't yours? Wait, that's illegal

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Mysterion silently went through his late night patrol in South Park. It was a struggle though, as he found his mind kept wandering. Wandering back to you, and the last two days. He didn't want to be out here, he wanted to be with you. Holding you in his arms, making sure you were warm and safe.

"I've only been here a week, and you've shown me nothing but your love and friendship."

God, he wished that was true.

Mysterion hadn't treated you right when you first came into town. Sure, things were different now, but..he wished he could go back and change things.

Pausing at the park, he stared at the empty playground. It was eerie, and always made his hair stand on end. It was probably silly, the thought of someone like Mysterion to be creeped out by an empty playground, but there was just something about places that should be full of happy children and weren't that made him uneasy.

"Planning to take a ride down the slide, Mysterion?"

The purple, underwear wearing hero turned to see Henrietta Biggle leaning against a tree, smoking. He rolled his eyes. "I shouldn't be surprised you're hanging around a park at night like some creep." "Hey, don't be like that." The goth girl snickered softly and pushed herself off the tree, walking towards him. "Ever since Casa Bonita we used to get along. But that's changed ever since (Y/N) moved here." Great, she was on this again. "Maybe I just finally realized you were an edgy bitch." Mysterion said, indifference in his voice. Henrietta frowned and stepped towards him, until there was only a few inches separating them.

"Together, our darkness could be amazing, Mysterion. Just think about it."

Mysterion was thinking, alright. He was thinking about you. How your smile was like sunshine, and your laugh made his chest swell so much it aches. You took care of Karen. You were nice to almost everyone, even to a perverted poor kid like Kenny McCormick. He wanted to protect you. He wanted to help you. He'd failed the old Douchebag, but he had another chance with you. He had another chance...

Kenny McCormick sat in his 4th grade class, silently staring at the door. Class had started 2 hours ago and so far that was no sign of Douchebag. He'd been on edge ever since they'd spoken last night. Ever since he'd said...

Don't be surprised if one day I'm just gone.

Kenny really, really hated this. This waiting. This not knowing. He jumped slightly as Kyle gently shook his shoulder, whispering, "Dude, are you okay? You've been quiet all morning and staring off into space." "I'm..waiting for Douchebag." Kyle's brows arched. "Oh. Uh, I don't know if he's coming in. He showed up at my house last night."


"What?" Kenny fully turned to face Kyle, not even bothering you whisper anymore. "Yeah. He showed up and talked with my mom, then she put him in the car and drove off. I haven't even seen my mom today."

What the hell was going on?

As if summoned by Kenny's growing panic, Mr. Mackey walked through the doorway and cleared his throat. "Mkay kids, uh..something has happened, uh..something very serious, mkay? And I'm here to talk about it, mkay?" "Is Douchebag alright?" Kenny blurted out without thinking. Mackey raises his brows and Cartman laughed. "That was gay as fuck, Kenny! I thought you hated Douchebag!" "Eric Cartman!" Mackey started, "We do not use that kind of language, mkay? And as for your friend..her name is (Y/N), and she's..well..." He wasn't sure how to lead into the next part.


It was a good thing Cartman had said something, because that part had completely missed Kenny when Mackey said it. But now...

Douchebag...was a girl?

Kenny stood and decked Cartman across the face. Gasps and laughter erupted through the classroom until Mackey yelled at everyone to calm down.

"That's enough, mkay! This is a really important issue that I'm here to talk about, and I won't tolerate any rough housing! Now, Kenny McCormick, you have detention, mkay?" "Hah! That's what your poor ass gets!" Cartman jeered. "What are you so upset about that bitch for anyway?" To think, Eric had called you his best friend for the last month. Kenny lunged at him, but Kyle held him back. Now it made sense, why Douche had always reminded him of his little sister.


"...What happened?" Kenny asked finally, turning to Mackey. "Where is Douch-(Y/N)? Where is (Y/N)?" "Well, she's staying with a different family out of town. You see, her foster parents-"

She'd left everyone letters. Mostly apologies, except for Eric, who'd gotten a very detailed drawing of a penis and an arrow that said THIS IS YOU pointing to it, and Kenny, who'd gotten a Thank You note.

A fucking Thank You note.

A thank you for...what?? Asking a fucking question?! He'd done nothing to help her. He'd let her down. Failed her.

He wouldn't do the same with you.

"...I don't want darkness." Mysterion spoke slowly, staring Henrietta in the eyes. She furrowed her brow, her lips curling. "What?" "I don't want darkness. I want light. I crave it. And my light is (Y/N)."

The people that you must remember (Kenny x Reader) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now