Does Kenny make EVERYTHING about sex?!

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The last class of the day, thank each and every god and devil to exist in the world ever. You sat in the theater room on King's lap, grateful that the rest of the day had been uneventful. Cartman seemed to be avoiding you like the plague, now that he had officially been booted from the South Park high football team. Fucker got what he deserved. As you and King chat about the most recent Sabrina episode, you catch Kenny once again flirting with Cadence. It makes your heart drop, but you don't show it, continuing your conversation. Even so, Wendy seems to be able to tell as she sits beside King. "Don't let it bug you. You can do way better than Kenny McCormick anyway. The guy is a major creepy pervert." "Haha, what?" You ask, trying to play her comment off. Wendy opens her mouth to reply, but is stopped as Monroe enters the drama class dramatically.

"Hello, future Broadway stars!" He greeted, his voice booming, "Today is a poetry day! I'm giving you ten minutes to find or write a poem that you will then recite to the entire class. On your mark, get set, go!"

At times like this, you wished your friend Junpe would hurry up and transfer. You sure could use his poetry skills right about now. Sighing, you turned your music on and went to google, scrolling through poems to find one that you liked.

I'm no better than when I
Went to sleep,
And I know I'm no worse for wear than I
Was last week,
Cause every single night
I have a couple hundred thoughts
Running through my brain,
And every single morning
Waking up and always knowing
That they called me names.
I know I'm disappointing.
I know I'm disappointing.

"And, time!" Monroe called over your music, causing you to slide your headphones off. He pointed to Cadence, who was sitting in Kenny's lap.Ugh, you wanted to gag. "Cadence, you first! Wow us! Show us your preforming talents!" Cadence giggled, flipping her brown hair over her shoulder and climbing to her feet. As always, she looked good, wearing dark skinny jeans and a t shirt for some movie you'd never heard of under a faded denim jacket. Was she the type Kenny was into? You scowled, shaking your head and hopefully the thoughts from your head. It didn't work. She did a little spin and gave you a knowing wink. Great. She could tell you liked Kenny and was just doing this to fuck with you. Not the first time the hipster used this trick. "I will be reciting Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky." Cadence told Monroe. Certainly not hipster, but it fit her quirky 'I'm not like other girls' shit that she was pulling. The thing is, you knew 'Not like other girls' syndrome. It was a side affect of constant bullying by mean, cruel popular girls who went after another girl for not being like them. An effect that people usually grew out of. But Cadence? She wasn't the bullied girl. She was the bully. The cause of Not Like Other Girls Syndrome, so it was rich watching her pull this crap. Monroe leaned against the stage, arms crossed and giving her a nod. "Well, let's have it then."

"'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand;

Long time the manxome foe he sought—

So rested he by the Tumtum tree

And stood awhile in thought.

The people that you must remember (Kenny x Reader) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now