Hospital food sucks ass

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The world was fuzzy and muted when you woke, colors dull and blended together as you thought you heard someone talking but you just couldn't be sure. Somebody was running their fingers through your hair. Your stomach hurt like a bitch and you tried to make a noise but nothing came out.

"Y/N isn't going back to that damn school!"

That was your grandmother. She sounded so far away..

"I hate to say it but I agree. It's simply not safe for her." Flowers...Flowers was there too?

Your ears started ringing and you groaned. For a split second your eyes focused and you say that it was Kenny stroking your hair. He glanced down at the noise and his eyes widened when he saw you were awake. Kenny opened his mouth, starting to talk frantically but you couldn't hear him. You just couldn't hear him. You tried to lift your head but winced and fell back.

You were unconscious again before your head hit the pillow.

You weren't sure for how long you were out, but your head was throbbing and you heard someone clicking the hospital room door closed behind them. You struggled to lift your head, feeling sluggish as it thudded with pain. Your vision was blurred and at first you thought it was a nurse. You lowered your head, watching as the nurse walked over and checked your IV before giving you an injection of what you thought was some more morphine or something.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." Came Flowers' voice.

The people that you must remember (Kenny x Reader) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now