Secret admirers aren't supposed to be this creepy

514 16 14

Conformist cheerleader bitch

You'd only just woken up and stepped out of your dorm room to find this scribbled all over your door in aggressive black writing. Wow, you must have really done something to piss of Henrietta. Whatever, she could keep wasting her energy. After last night, you were still walking on cloud 9. Your things tucked under your arm, you headed off to the showers and began your morning routine. A satan bath with music blaring from your phone.

Get in your zone.
Don't even look at them at all.
Their shallow observations

will only stall the transformation.
You've become art,
How could they even start to see,
Beyond your presentation

when they've got no imagination?

Humming along to the music, you turned the water off and dried yourself before getting into a simple pair of black jeans and a black tank top over a striped long sleeve shirt. You stepped out of the shower just as Wendy came through the door. She giggled at the grin still plastered on your face. "You look happy. The date go well?" "Nope." You giggled and went over to the mirror, running a brush through your wet hair and grabbing your toothbrush. "But, uh..I met with Kenny last night. And we kiiiiinda soooorta...kissed?"

Wendy looked..unsure.

She furrowed her brow and stared at your reflection for a moment. Then she sighed and smiled softly. "You know what? If anyone could drag that pervert into a serious relationship, it would be you."

You wanted to thank her, but Cadence stepped out of the shower before you could. She was still butt naked and you were 99% sure this was some weird sissy of dominance? Honestly it kinda worked. You felt very uncomfortable. She stood in front of the mirror on your other side, starting to drive off. "You and Kenny McCormick? Please. He was into me first, and if you think I'm going to be outdone by a creepy emo loser, you're a bigger idiot than I thought."

As she spoke, Jewel came in with a bag of clothes and makeup for her beloved hipster mistress, causing you to roll your eyes. "After what happened last night, I think you've already been outdone, Cadence." "Please." The other girls scoffed, putting her long black hair into braids, with Jewel helping her put some beads into each braid, "We all know Kenny is a pervert, and that's the only reason he kissed you." "Kenny is really into (Y/N), actually." Wendy said through a clenched jaw. Cadence just laughed at that, tossing on a bell sleeved red shirt and jean shorts with brown boots and a red beanie. "Please. Watch, I'll have him going on a date with me by the end of the day. Come on Jewel, I'm getting depressed just standing next to suicidal Sue and her loser friend." The two girls left the showers, Jewel glancing back at you before closing the door.

"She's pathetic." Wendy sneered, turning back to you as you started applying your makeup. You laughed at that, "No fucking joke. She almost makes Bebe look tame, huh? And to think I was friends with Cadence for, like, a year." You shook your head, only doing a simple look today. "Whatever, she can say what she wants. After last night I know Kenny and I are..something." Wendy placed a hand on your shoulder, smiling. " are. I'm really happy for you, (Y/N)." You smiled back at Wendy and agreed to meet her at class, leaving as she started to shower. You got out to campus only to then enter the main locker building, heading to yours. Cadence couldn't ruin this day. Neither could Henrietta or Bebe or Tiger and Damien. And with Eric Cartman gone, you had pretty much nothing to worry about.

Then you saw the red envelope taped to your locker.

A handful of names went through your mind. Kenny. Henrietta. Bebe. Cartman.

None of them really worried you, though you se reply hoped it was from Kenny.

You took the envelope and opened it, finding what you could only describe as a very disturbing secret admirer letter inside.

My dearest, wonderful (Y/N).

Did you know you were set up for failure?

Since the day you were born from those disgusting, lazy, incompetent parents, you were destined to be nothing but a waste of space. A drain on humanity and it's society. Somebody who was better off dead.

Yet, like a beautiful Phoenix, you rose from the ashes of your parents failure.

I wonder if you have any idea how talented you are? How special you are?

You have a gift.

God, every time I see you, it's like staring directly into the sun. It could blind me, and I would be grateful for it still. To be blinded by your brilliance is a fate most blessed.

Nobody should be allowed to tarnish you and your future.

Anyone who tries, I will take care of. You don't have to lift a pretty little finger.

Sincerely, your devoted worshipper.

Yeah, no.

You ripped the letter up and tossed it into the trash before heading to English.

The people that you must remember (Kenny x Reader) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now