icy slip

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Stephen was on his way to work well sorta on his way.Well you see he was on time for the first time in forever but he may or may not have locked his keys in his car his wallet was also in their so he couldn't get a cab or ride the tube.

So he either had the choice to call a friend most likely the boys they won't make fun of him for his stupid mistake maybe joke but that's it.Or he walked,so he chose the less embarrassing option.

Should he have worn these ridiculous new shoes he had not broken in yet no.Their is ice on the ground and to top it off snow is starting to come down again he is bound to have an accident.

Pulling out his phone to check the time he had no later than 17 minutes to get to work but since he is walking he will most likely be late and get the look from simon again.He quickened his pace down the sidewalk almost loosing his footing on a path of ice.

He was almost their when his phone started to ring knowing it's one of the boys he answered


Hey stevie where are you 

It's ant

Almost their why 

Oh well nothing just wondering cuz were supposed to go over something but it can wait till you get here 

I forgot we had a meeting for the saturday night take away 

Ok great i will see you in ab-ahh

The line went dead after he slipped on the ice.Groaning as he went to get up only slip again "Bloody hell"he moaned still on the chunk of ice.

There was shooting pain in his back and it hurt that's all he knew and after assessing himself he pulled himself into a sitting position to find his phone.Hope ant wasn't worried he most definitely heard him.It was laying screen down on the sidewalk close to where he fell his luck it's broken.What do you know it's broke and not turning on great just his luck.

Now he has no car,wallet,and phone he's not sure what time it is but he was late for work simon will be mad and the boys will be either concerned or angry that he didn't ask for a ride but at the moment he wasn't getting up.The lower part of his back hurt to beat hell very movement he made hurt.

Stephen wasn't sure how long he sat on ground but for one he was cold,his butt was wet and cold and the stupid snow was covering him but he knew he needed to get up so he rolled over and slowly started to get up ignoring the pain he felt he soon got up.

Almost falling again he quickly but slowly moved to the grass where he knew their won't be any ice.

"Ok stevie we need to get to work before simon kill me"speaking to himself he began walking but every step felt like pins and needles.Why did he have to walk he should have just called someone.

After what felt like forever he got to work walking past fans and people who are auditioning he managed to get to the stairs but slowly fell to his one knee after feeling pain shoot up his spine.

 One of the crew members who was sent to get coffee see Stephen and ran over"Mr.Mulhern are you okay should i call medic"he tried shaking his head but that made his back hurt more"I'm calling medic you seen to be in a lot of pain"He tried stopping her but failed.

He found himself laying face first in the carpet covered stairs a nap sounded nice but the pain always got him"Over here"the crew member shouted

"What happened"He assumed was a medic"I'm not sure i found him like this he seems like he's in a lot of pain"he felt a hand on his back making him jerk away causing more pain "Arrgg stop"practically  begging.

"Ok ok call Mr.cowell okay tell him what is going on"the medic said before turning to Stephen"Mr. Mulhern were going to flip you" he tried saying no but the medics weren't having it and flipped stephen causing him to cry out in pain.

He felt someone take his pulse and an annoying bright light flash in his eyes"Sorry here were going to give you some morphine but you need to us what is wrong first"the medic said.

"Mmy bbaack hurrtts" the medic nodded he was about to say something but was caught off 


oh it's ant 

"What the bloody hell happened"asked simon after seeing stephen on the ground in oblivious pain"Were not sure but he say's his back hurts"

Stephen what happend we were talking and it sounded like you were hurt we tried calling but it went to voice mail we were about to come looking for you"  

Ah so they did hear "I slipped on ice"He admitted embarrassed"Why did you slip weren't you driving" 

"I locked my keys and wallet in my car"he replied he was still in a lot of pain
"Then why didn't you call for a ride you know we would have given you one bud"

"I didn't want to be a bother and i -"you would have not been a bother stevie we love you

"i'm sorry"he felt a warm hand cup his face and stroke his cheek"Don't be sorry were sorry that we made you feel like that we care about you stephen" Dec told him

He nodded it still didn't make him feel good plus the pain in his back didn't help he turned to ook at simon who looking at him with a concerned face very shocking"I don't think i will be in today or tomorrow"simon shook his head"It's fine just get better mulhern we need someone to annoy david"Ah yes only stephen can annoy him"Thanks"

"I'm going to give you morphine but go to the hospital just in case it's serious"stephen nodded he felt a slight pinch in his arm "Your okay stevie"

"Were going to take you to the hospital okay then home so you can rest if that's okay simon"dec asked looking at simon who nodded"Yeah that's fine just make sure he's fine"That is so un-simon he must feel bad for stephen.

As for stephen he felt very weird but aware of the hands on him helping him up"Okay stevie one step at a time"ant said"When were done at the hostpital were taking you home to rest"oh they don't know"Bbutt me keys aare inn me carr"stephen slurred"What"dec asked"Like i ssaid"he responded

"We can just take him to ours he does have his own room plus we should keep an eye on him"ant said"Yeah good idea common stephen and don't fall"was that suppose to be a joke stephen thought.

As for now he was in the back seat of dec and ant's car about to sleep but was rudely interrupted by dec telling him not to fall asleep and that they were almost their"Bbuugger off"He slurred 

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