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Stephen right now at this moment hated David walliams,why well that big baboon knocked him down and he hurt his knee,Very badly might he add.

Now you maybe wondering why it was even worse,well Stephen was known for always moving around,he could never sit still leading him into trouble.Well David caused him the most trouble and the most injures.And so here he was laying on his bed with his knee propped up by three pillows.And barley able to move.

Fortunately for him,he was drugged up on pain medication so the first couple of days weren't that bad.But when the pain medication stopped working as much as it did the first couple of days,he was in really bad pain.

He would often wake up in the middle of the night in really bad pain,which led to him getting no sleep and making the boys worry even more. 

Don't get him wrong he loved that the boys would sit with him so he wasn't lonely but they would coddle Stephen a lot and it did get on his nerves but he wouldn't say anything,not wanting to upset them or to kill David for putting their friend in this position in the first place.

  Here Stephen was laying on his bed struggling to get up,he made pain filled sounds alerting the boys who were right down the hall"Stephen hey wait let us help you"Dec spoke grabbing one of his arms and Ant on the other.

"Oh common i just want to stand up and walk myself to the kitchen for tea is that so hard"Stephen groaned letting the boys help him

"Stevie your knee was badly shattered,it will take time before it is better"Ant said leading the way"I know but i don't want to live like this"Stephen said pushing his head onto Dec's shoulder as they went down the stairs

"We know but it will heal"They tried to reassure him but there was no use."I know but this sucks"the boys had to agree with that.

They settled Stephen on the one couch"You stay here and we will get your tea"and with that they left.Stephen sighed leaning back against the one pillow.This was hard not being able to move because that's all he did and right now he feels like he could run a marathon or something.Maybe it was because he was used to moving so much and he can't do it now.

The boys returned with tea and a sandwich,also his meds"Here take these first"Dec said handing him his pain meds and something else the doctor prescribed,then after swallowing the pills Dec handed him the tea so he could get that horrible taste out of his mouth"Okay now eat at least half of the sandwich okay"Stephen nodded taking the food.It was rather good,Dec is a great cook.

After he finished the sandwich he looked at the boys"Okay guys i'm not sure if it is the pain meds talking but i love you guys"he finished slurring the last of his words"We love you too Stevie"Ant said trying to conceal his laugh "Yeah we do,how about you get some sleep yeah"Dec encouraged after seeing Stephen close his eyes then open them after a second"M'not tired"Said the very tired man who's head was resting on Ant's shoulder"Yes you are,we will be here so go to sleep"Dec said sternly and the injured man listened.

Stephen Mulhern one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now