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Stephen was at the coffee maker in the break room when someone came up behind him and shoved him forward"Move it freak"and grabbed a muffin then left.

Honestly Stephen got used to people calling him a freak because he was one,but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.

His whole mood changed and now he looked like a 'kicked puppy'in David's words.Dec had noticed his change in mood and asked him what happened but Stephen brushed him off and said nothing.

He really didn't need the boys to know what everyone calls him names because they would get Simon involved and basically in the end it won't end well for him.

So he never said anything to anyone and instead 'bottles things up' what a dumb thing.

As he was in his dressing room going over some things for BGMT Ant walked in"Hey Stevie you okay"He asked,Stephen turned his head to look at the shorter man"Yeah why wouldn't it be"Stephen had a feeling he knew why.

"Well Dec said you didn't sound right and David said you looked like a kicked puppy or something"He finished "And no lying"he said sternly.He looked back down to the work he was doing"It's nothing really"

"Tell me"Ant said leaving no room for argument"Someone called me freak and it's no big deal"he added trying to make this seem better than it really is.Ant looked mad then horrified "Who the bloody hell called you that and it IS a big deal Stephen"Oh no he used his full name

"Stephen tell me"Ant yelled,"I don't know i didn't see and it's not"he shot back"It is,your not a freak Stephen"Lies lies lies.

"I am,i always have been and always will be"Stephen said sadly,he felt arms wrap around him"Your not"Ant whispered in his ear "I am"Stephen admitted 

"Stephen you are not,and anyone that thinks or says that are idiots then"Stephen wanted to believe him but he knew deep down that he was a freak.

"Say it"Ant said,he was confused about what he had to say,Ant must have seen his confusion "Say that you're not a freak,Say it"

Stephen stared at the man in front of him,Ant said to say it again"I'm not a freak"Stephen said quietly,though he didn't believe what he just said"Again"

"I am not a freak"he said a little bit louder"Stephen don't believe anyone when they say things about you cause it's not true"but what if it is"Okay"he agreed nothing less

"Good,let's go show is about to start and let's not worry Declan any longer"Ant said standing up and offering a hand to Stephen who took it.

"Let's go"Ant said grabbing Stephen's arm and dragged him where Dec was.

Stephen didn't see the man who called him a freak at BGT anymore.

Sorry for not posting i have been trying not to do something stupid or whether the erg to do something stupid,hope y'all like this

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