The escape

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Stephen's pov

Okay it has been a week at Ant and Dec's and they have been coddling me way too much and i am not kidding,i thought after locking them outside in the rain they would have told me to leave but no they still want me too stay,was it because i tripped and fell when i was going to let them in most likely.

"Stevie it's time to eat come down"Ant called,i'm not even hungry but i go down anyway so they don't catch on.

"Hey"I said sitting down at the counter where the boys were"What are we having"I asked them trying to see what they made"Roast beef with noodles"Dec replied handing me a plate,i gave my thanks and started eating it was really good to bad it's the last meal i will have here. 

See i plan on escaping well leaving if you would like to call it that,the boys have been nothing but nice and coddle me way too much and i hate it well i sorta hate it because they never leave me alone and i get why because i was their but it gets to much sometimes,i haven't even really processed what happened that day and i can't tell them to leave me alone because i will feel bad.

So the last option is to escape when they are sleeping and go back to my cold,dark home that may sound bad but i like it like that.

When dinner was over i told the boys i was going to bed earlier saying i was really tired which was not a lie i was tired and with the pain medication and the slowly long walks Dec's been making me go on was wearing me down.I bid goodnight to them and went up to the guest room(My room)Dec declared one time,i had packed my stuff earlier when they were making dinner and all i had to do was wait for them to go to sleep which shouldn't be long Ant has been yawning a lot today and Dec looks like he's about to drop but i know they will be checking on me before they go to bed themselves.

They had done that since i had been here,they think i'm sleeping but i'm not i won't admit out loud that i am scared to sleep at night,i keep having dreams about what happened and they freak me out so i haven't been sleeping well and i think the boys noticed but didn't say anything which i am grateful for.

8:32 is when the door slowly opened and footsteps could be heard coming closer to the bed and  felt a hand run through my hair"Night Stevie"Ant whispered and then left,i left out a breath of relief that was scary i wondered if he actually though i was sleeping or didn't comprehend anything because of how tired he was but it didn't matter right now they should both be in bed and i will have to wait a little bit longer before i leave.

It was 9:25 when i slowly opened the door to my room with my stuff and i slowly made my way out of the room only to stop when the floor board i was standing on screeched 'Oh fuck i'm done for'i thought to myself checking to see if they were woken up or not and thankfully they were not so i countered until i got to the stairs.  

'Okay Stevie one step at a time'i thought as i made way down trying to make little to no noise as possible and by the time i got down to the bottom step i was sorta out of breath i guess getting shot does that to you.

I had left the written note on the counter so when the boys wake up they won't call the cops and claim i was kidnapped,when i went to get out of the kitchen and to the front door my main exit i had to stop and mentally kick myself.

The dog Ant's dog was sitting at the door looking at me,i had totally forgot about him to"Here boy"I tried to call as quietly as possible but he wouldn't move of course he wouldn't"Want a treat"i said to the mutt,that had gotten his attention"Come here and you can have one"i motioned to the dog making my way to the kitchen to get him one,i smiled when i heard him coming after me.

I had gotten the treat and threw it in the sitting room,i smiled when he went after it so i dashed to the door and opened it as quietly as possible"By boys"I whispered to the house as i left and locked the door with the key the boys had given me.

I will admit i will miss it here and 90% sure i will be back soon and they will most definitely be putting a lock on my door so i won't escape like i am doing now or worse they make me sleep in their bed with them,yeah that would be just embarrassing if David found out.

I was probably 10 or so minutes away from home when my phone started to ring well that was quicker than expected.


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