One thing he hates

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Based off of something i read,here is a fun one 

If there was one thing Stephen hates the most in this world is peppermint,anything peppermint makes him sick to his stomach and no one knows this not even Ant and Dec.If Stephen is ever offered something with peppermint he takes it then throws it away like he did with Amanda's hot coco.

Well one person did know but wasn't sure who.David,he had observed Stephen and noticed that he wouldn't eat a candy cane he had given the skinny man and to be fair it hurt the larger man's feelings that Stephen threw away the candy can,but it wasn't just that he watched him throw away the hot coco and it got him thinking.

He knew Stephen loved chocolate so it wasn't that and the only thing he could think of was peppermint,he never saw Stephen eat it so it had to be that.

Was David going to see if he was right oh yeah,just had to find a way for Stephen to eat it or drink it.When David saw Stephen earlier he looked tired like really tired about to fall over tired so today will be great day to test his theory.

David bought a pack of gum,well peppermint gum and since Stephen might not notice so it will be good.Now all David had to do was find his sleep deprived friend,he went to the judges room and wasn't their,wen't to his dressing room,wasn't their,but David run into Ant and Dec and asked and after reassuring them that he was not going to do anything bad to him they told him that Stephen was outside.

And what do you know Stephen was sitting on a curb at the back of BGT "Hey Stephen what are you doing"David asked him.He was met with a dark circled eyed Stephen "What do you want"He slurred a little"Nothing just wondering how your doing and do you want gum"David asked.

Stephen looked at him confused "Why what did you do to it"eyeing the stick of gum that David was holding"I did nothing here"He said waving the gum in front of Stephen's face until he took it"You better have not done anything"Stephen said staring David in the eyes and slowly opening the wrapper and because of his sleep deprived state he didn't smell it or hesitate when he put it in his mouth 

David smirked while watching the younger man's reaction when he finally noticed what it was"What in the bloody hell is that"Stephen yelled at David spitting the gum out and glaring at a now laughing David"Ohhh i knew it"David's laughing was cut of short when Stephen kicked the back of David's leg making him fall"Haha who's the one laughing now"Stephen said trying to get that horrible taste out of his mouth while watching David moan in pain.

And now David new Stephen hated peppermint.

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