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My ass hurts cause i fell and then landed on my ass:(

Stephen was bored and it is not a good thing for the magician to be bored.He gets restless and that leads to things around set to disappear and reappear. 

It annoyed everyone but no one really said a thing about it cause Stephen was sensitive.Though the one time someone said something it ended with Stephen crying and the BGT(Family)judges and two presenters yelling and threatening the person that insulted Stephen.

So after that issue Stephen always had something to do but today he didn't. So he started to make things disappear.

Well the crew knew better and didn't say a thing to Stephen when they had gotten annoyed.So one of the crew members went to find hos protective friends.He couldn't find Ant or Dec and he couldn't find Simon,Alesha or Amanda but he did find David eating a sandwich.

"Uh,Mr.Walliams"The crew member said.David looked up and swallowed the food"Yes"He asked timidly.

"Well i couldn't find Ant and Dec or the other judges"The member hurriedly explained "And well Stephen is doing it again and i think some of the crew might hit him"

David sighed and put his sandwich down,he knew the younger man was gonna be bored but he didn't think he was going to be babysitting him until two presenters came back from whatever they were doing.

"Yeah i got him where is he?"The member told him he last saw Stephen in the west wing so David headed their.

When he did get their he saw Stephen playing with cards "Stephen"David said getting his attention"Hello David wanna go do something"Stephen asked hurriedly.David watched the younger man move back in forth,he had to wonder if Stephen took to much Adderall.

"Sure what is it you want to do"He might as well let Stephen humor him"Wanna go screw with people"Stephen asked happily and shaking with excitement.

"Sure but if we get in trouble i'm telling Simon it was you"Stephen acted like he didn't here him and grabbed David's arm and dragged him down the hall.

"Will you slow down"David tried but the younger man kept pulling him until they were where the buzzers worked.You press them and the people that work in that area make the X's turn color and the noises to.

"What is your plan"David asked "We're gonna rig the buzzers to not work when they are pressed"That was kinda smart David knew Simon would blow a nerve if he had to hear or watch a bad act and not be able to stop them with the buzzers.

"Fine let's do it"David said and Stephen smiled and hugged David"THANK YOU"David smiled a little and patted the younger's back"Okay let go and let's do this before the show starts"

He let go and started to mess with the wires and David had to wonder if the younger man knew what he was doing.But nothing less did what he asked.

Ant and Dec are totally paying him for babysitting.


David was right Simon looked like his last nerve was torn apart and David blamed Stephen.And then Stephen blamed David so now both were getting scolded by Simon.

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