Never listens

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If there was one thing about Stephen was that he never listens.He never listens when he is told something is dangerous and that he could get hurt he does it anyway.He never listens when he is told no even when he was a kid and that got him in a lot of trouble.

Anyway so Stephen thought it would be a great idea to go for a swim but the thing was it is cold out meaning the any type of water would be cold well outside at least.And of course Dec and Ant found and they did tell him not to do it because it was dangerous.

But no why would Stephen listen he never does anyway,So here he was standing at an edge of a cliff and no not in the bad way.He looked down and almost regretted doing this but was not gonna listen to his own voice in his head,never had and never will so hence why he is about to jump off a cliff and go for a swim.

Stephen thinks that if David did it then he could to Even though David is bigger than him in all aspects,he could still do it.

Will this end badly most likely and should have he listened to his friends yes but again he never listens.Stephen looked down at the rushing water then back up taking one step forward and another until he was falling.

Stephen was met with ice cold water and that was when he regretted doing this "Holy mother of god"Stephen stuttered out trying to warm himself even though he was still in the water.Stephen tried key word tried to swim to the rocks that were below the cliff trying to get out but the waves were strong and kept pushing the skinny man away.

The water's current was really strong and Stephen kept going under but he pushed through the water harder and harder,his arms were tired and they hurt but he had to keep swimming so the boys can yell at him for not listening.He swam pushing through the pain,he eventually got to the rocks and had to push himself up higher enough so he could rest his arms for a little bit before he finally got out.

He pulled on the rock and pushed himself up on the rock breathing heavily trying to catch his breath but it hurt,everything hurt especially his arms and lungs not minding his lower body which he really could feel so that wasn't good.

Stephen looked up still breathing heavily and wondered how in the hell was he getting back up.He leaned back against the rock and just sat there,freezing to death.Stephen did know one thing if he get's out of this stupid situation  he was going to start to listen to people because this must be karma or something.

After some time his arms stopped hurting as much as they did a couple of minutes ago so he slowly got up shivering,he made is way to the rock that looked easily to climb on so he did,his left foot slipped a little but caught himself and pulled himself up slowly because his arms were hurting again.

"Come on Stephen you can do it"Stephen muttered to himself trying to push himself to go farther.Stephen's arms were burning by the time he got to the top,his lungs were hurting so were his sides from breathing so hard but he can complain later.

He finally pulled himself up and laid still on the top of the cliff and just laid their trying to catch his breath and to let the pain settle.He knew one thing when he goes home he was taking a really hot bath and then some pain medication and then maybe call the boys and not tell them what had happened today but tell them he will try key word try to listen.

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