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You know when it is bad when you no longer have a real smile,instead you have a fake one.

He does,no matter what he does or says people are rude to him,even his friends.

It started like any other day,Stephen got ready for another day at BGT and as he was leaving he got a phone call from someone he hadn't spoken to in a while.

His mother,he and her never seen eye to eye so their relationship went down hill when he left to start a real life for himself.Well at the end of the call he was struggling to keep himself from breaking down.

His brother had died,a while ago at that.His mother waited a month after he died to inform him and it broke him,plus she was really drunk.That didn't help when she called him a disgrace and other hurtful things.Sad thing was,he believed it.

He believed it all.

When he got off the phone he realized he was really late for work so he composed himself and tried to put a real smile on but he could see right through it.He did know he could call in sick,but he didn't want to be alone.

He wanted to be with his friends and laugh and forget like he has always done.He wanted to pretend.

Pretending is so much easier than anyone realizes,because you fake it till you make it.That is what he always tells himself in the mirror before he goes and socializes.

So he was driving rather fast down the street trying to delay the tears until tonight.He was so lost though he didn't see the truck cut him off.He slammed on the brakes making him go forward into the wheel.

"Bloody idiot"Stephen cursed as he watched the truck speed off."Get it together"he said to know one but himself.

His phone started to ring,it was Ant"Hello"he said with a high pitched voice.

"Stevie where are you,you late"

"Uh traffic"

"You sure cause you don't sound sure"

Of course he could sense the difference in his voice

"Yeah,i'm sure mate"

"Okay hurry up will you"

As Stephen was about to say something the line cut.He was kinda hurt but brushed it off,he was rather late.Simon will kill him.


When he got there fans were shouting.He put his head down and kinda felt bad for ignoring some of the fans that actually liked him.But he was NOT in the mood for happy people.

He made his journey to his dressing room,walking in fast and slamming the door a tad.He set his stuff down and looked in the mirror.His eyes were red and his face was pale.

People would notice,especially the boys if they really cared about him.Though wasn't so sure.

He went to his side table and reached in looking for one of his safety guides.Eye drops.

He did wince a little when he put them in but ignored it,he faced the mirror and flashed a smile.A fake one but he didn't need people asking him if he is okay when he obviously isn't.

A loud knocking sound erupted from his door and two familiar voices sprung out of it.

"Stevie you in there"

"Yeah are you"

He smiled in the mirror one more time before unlocking it and opening it.

"Hey boys"he cheerily said.

"Why you late,your never late"Dec questioned.

Stephen starred at him before answering "I said i was in traffic"they looked at him like he was stupid.

"Stephen you okay your pale"So they do care,he brushed there concerns off "Yeah i'm fine lets go"he needed to forget what happened and those weren't helping.

"You sure,if your not were here"Ant said concerned "I am FINE"he snapped and stalked down the hall.

The boys shared a look"He is not fine"Dec said a little hurt at the way Stephen spoke to them.

"yeah"they wanted to know what was up.

The boys managed to catch up to the long legged man and were about to confront him but stopped when they realized he was crying.

"Stevie,What's wrong"Ant asked approaching the upset man

"Nothing"Stephen muttered,hiding his face from them.

"No it's not nothing what is wrong! you been acting weird all day,Please were your friends"Dec pleaded.

Stephen laughed bitterly"Are you"that shocked both men"Yeas we are"Dec said sternly and firmly.

"Why wouldn't we be"Ant asked confused"Because i'm weird,a freak at that"Ant's mouth made an O shape,while Dec looked at him angrily"Why the BLOODY HELL would YOU think that"He was angry,he wanted to hurt who made him feel like this.


The boys were both shocked they never thought in a million years would Stephen yell."Why she say that"

"Because she knows it,you know i was having a great day until she called and told me"he trailed off.

"Told you what"Dec asked,putting a hand on his shoulder.

"My brother died a month ago and she didn't tell me,didn't even tell me where he was buried"Stephen was crying even harder.

People started to look and Ant saw them,yelling at them to bugger off and they did."Oh Stephen"Dec said wrapping his young friend in a hug.Ant joined in the hug wishing he could hit Stephen's mother right now.

"I don't feel so good"he admitted"Of course you wouldn't,you found out your brother died and your mother is a prick"Dec said,Stephen laughed a bit.

Was he really about to tell his best friends he hates life and sometimes want to end it probably.

"Stevie talk to us"Ant said tearing up a little.He wondered how him and Dec were so blind"Please"

"uh i haven't been feeling so good for a while"he admitted looking down,biting his lip.
"What do you mean"Dec asked scared.

"Um i'm not sure but i think there is something wrong with me mentally"he looked at them "I've been feeling weird,not really happy and i know that is and i didn't want anyone to know"

"Stephen look there is nothing wrong with you"Ant said to him,but to Stephen their was something wrong with him he was broken.

A record that kept playing.

"Stephen were here"

"I know"he broke

Stephen Mulhern one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now