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He woke up and felt horrible,he felt the wave of nausea run over him,he brought his hand to his stomach when the pain hit.He quickly got out of his bed and ran to his bathroom,making it just in time to make the toilet.He threw up anything he had in his stomach before closing the lid and leaned against the wall.

Stephen raised himself and went to the kitchen,grabbed the bottle of Advil and water.He had to get going soon after glancing at the clock on the wall,he couldn't be late to work.His phone started to ring but he choose to ignore it.

But it kept ringing so he answered it not even looking to see who it was"What"he said clamming a hand to his stomach "Well you woke up on the wrong side of the bed"Ant teased"Ant"He said not in mood"Sorry,letting you know you need to be here soon,we have a to go over something Stevie"Stephen said okay and hung up and let the dizzy spell wash over him.

When he got to the building he drank two bottles of water and had two more Advil,he wiped his sweaty and flushed face with a hand.Before he went into the building,every step he took he was in pain,more specifically his right lower side.

"Oh Stevie your here"Ant said walking towards him"Your kinda late,but it's okay"Stephen sighed"My alarm didn't go off"Stephen lied not wanting Ant to know he is sick."You okay,you don't look to good"Ant asked frowning

"I'm good,just thirsty"which he was.Ant tried to touch his head but Stephen dodged it"Ant,i am fine,now what is it you wanted to talk about"Ant looked like he wanted to say something but Simon interrupted and directed them to the meeting room.

As Stephen sat down he winched but hid the pain quickly.As he sat the pain was getting worse,but he didn't show it because Ant and Dec were here and he didn't want them to make a big fuss over nothing.

The other judges finally made it"Stephen you made it"David smirked as he sat down"Shut up"he replied taking another gulp of water."No need to be mean,need to go to the corner Stevie"David taunted.

"Boys enough"Simon said and started talking.Stephen paid no attention to Simon but he did on the pain which felt extreme.He couldn't see straight,everything was blurry.He closed his eyes and opened them and everything was cleared.

At some point Dec nudged his leg"Let's go"Stephen hurled himself up and the world span ,the pain took over and he found himself falling.

"Stephen you okay"Ant asked

"Stephen!"Dec yelled running to catch his friend"Stephen"He said but the younger man didn't respond"Call and ambulance"Ant shouted running to his friends side.

"The ambulance will be here soon"David said pocketing his phone again and made his way close to where Stephen was.Yes he did care about the younger man,he cared about him like he was his little brother he could pick on.

"We need to cool him down he's burning up"Ant said"I'll go get ice"Alesha said leaving the room quickly. Amanda looked towards the table and got an idea"What about water"Dec turned toward her and nodded"Yeah common".

Amanda and Simon grabbed the water's that sat on the table and handed them to Dec who started to pour them on him"Stevie common"Dec pleaded to the man but received no answer.

"There here"Alesha said rushing in with the ice and two medics.

Once Stephen was loaded on the stretcher he started to wake"Ant"he mumble to the man that was holding his one hand"I'm here Stevie"

"Mr.Mulhern,my name is Mark,i believe you have Appendicitis,how long have you been in pain?"

"Since dis-moring"He muttered.Ant and Dec gasped"Okay i'm going to give you some meds okay then take you to the hospital"Stephen didn't respond he was out cold.

"His fever his getting high we need to leave now,his appendix might have bursted"The medic said before strapping Stephen in and rushing out the door.Ant and Dec not that far behind.

Stephen as he was waking up,he heard tapping and talking.He didn't feel bad anymore,just a little numb.He opens his eyes and saw Dec staring at his phone screen and Ant was talking to someone.

"You both do things loudly"he said smiley.Both Ant and Dec dropped what they were doing and rushed to him smiling.

"Hey"Dec said"you scared the hell out of us"Ant agreed"What happened,i remember the pain and falling"he asked confused.

"Well you passed out and we called for ambulance,well David did anyway he came and took you"Ant said gently"What happened"

"Your appendix bursted"Stephen nodded,it made sense.Stephen yawned"I'm tired"he muttered and the boys laughed.

"Well you have been through a lot,and you need to heal so how about you go to sleep,we will be here when you wake up Stevie"Ant gently said moving some hairs out of Stephen's face.

"M'kay night"Stephen said and fell asleep.

"Night Stevie" "Night Stephen"And and Dec said before going back to doing what they were doing before and for Ant's case updating the others.David was really worried now.  

Stephen Mulhern one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now