Final breath

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Stephen was sick and not the type of sick where you can wait a few days and it will more or less go away.This sick was the killing type and there was nothing that can be done.

Now no one knew he was dying since he decided not to tell,he didn't want pity.He knew it would break his friends when they found out that he died or that he knew he was going to die and didn't inform them.

Though what would be the point of telling people.So Stephen agreed not to tell anyone so he didn't have to deal with the pity and sympathy from people and he really didn't want to see the looks the boys would give him.

Stephen went into BGT on Wednesday and gave Simon his notice and of course the older man wanted to know why he was quitting. Obviously Stephen didn't tell him the real reason but only that he was getting a chance to go his own way and that worked for Simon.He congratulated Stephen and told him not to be a stranger.

Stephen was glad that was done but of course the others found out and he didn't know that David cared so much if he was there or not because the older man practically tried to lock him in a closet so he couldn't leave.So it was nice to know David cared about him even when he pretended he didn't.

The girls were understanding but a little upset that he was leaving but they understood and were accepting it.

There were only two that were angry and take a guess who they were.

Ant and Dec.

They were angry at Stephen and refused to accept it.He tried to explain but they called him out on it and well they were right he was lying but he didn't want the truth out.

The boys refused to speak to him and yes he tried calling but neither would answer.So here he was now in his house that was mostly packed up crying and trying to breath but it hurt to do so.

Stephen made sure everything was taken care of which meant his will and where his stuff is going to go.

He decided to give his money to medical charities and children charities and his personal stuff well some stuff to the boys as a way to remember him bye.

When Friday came around Stephen could barely breathe but he finally got Ant and Dec to come around so they were going to have lunch together.Stephen did predict this would be the last time the three would be together so he was going to push past the pains and the aches so he could say good bye without saying it.

He made it to the cafe and saw his friends sitting in there usual seats so he made his way toward them.

"Hey guys"Stephen said smiling a little and let a sigh of relief out when they smiled at him.

"Hey Stevie"

"Hey Stephen"

Once Stephen sat down he looked at Ant and Dec and forced a smile."How are you today."He asked the boys.

"Good you?"Dec questioned looking at him suspiciously and that made Stephen wonder if they some how knew.

"I'm great."

"Stevie we need to talk."Ant said seriously.


"Is something going on?"

He should tell them but he couldn't deal with what would follow so he shook his head.

"Look If this is about me quitting I already said why and nothing is going on I promise."

"It just why hadn't you told us.Stephen were your friends and now your leaving."Dec sadly said and he wasn't wrong Stephen was leaving but not in that way.

"I'm sorry for not telling you I just didn't want to jinx it,please forgive me."He pleaded

Both Ant and Dec were quiet for a minute before Dec spoke.

"Promise nothing else is going on."

"I promise."

I'm sorry

"Then were okay.Can't wait to see you on your own show Stevie."Ant said smiling and so was Dec.

Stephen himself smiled know now when does die Ant and Dec have forgave him.

When he got home he made sure everything was in place and packed even the letters he had left for his friends.

Breathing seemed to be more painful so he took some medications that his doctors prescribed before he went to sleep that night.


"He promised Dec."Ant sobbed

"I know Ant."

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