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It was another day at bgt david was being annoying like usual,the girls were talking about their kids,simon well was simon,ant and dec were planning what to do for saturday night takeaway and stephen well was freezing in his dressing room.

Was he sick most likely will he deny it yes he will.See stephen is suppose to be in the judges room getting info for bgtmt but no he was on his couch huddled in a warm hut he made with blankets that was in his office.

He wonders if anyone will notice he is gone maybe ant and dec but they are busy planning for their show the others would be grateful he's not there to "Annoy them to much"in david words

He started to cough a lot harder than he was before making his chest hurt,his eyes were watering along with a runny noes.He knew it was most likely a cold so it's not something he should bother anyone else with he'd be called pathetic.

What felt like hours he soon became drowsy and was almost asleep when three sharp knocks pounded on his door.He planned on ignoring  it who ever it was they can come back later but just his luck it was people who would not leave.

"Stevie you in their"Ant called through the door

he really didn't want to answer but he knew they wouldn't leave if he didn't

"Stephen we know your in their we just to make sure your ok"Dec yelled a little loud making his head hurt more

"I-im fine"He managed "You don't sound fine"his head was killing him and he was really cold 
"I pro-omise i-im f-fine"pathetic really"Stephen were coming in"decs tone made no room for arguments.

The door started to open "Stevie"ant whispered "Where are you"they looked around the room landing on a bundle of blankets that is shivering  "Stephen you in their"he was not in the mood for this "yyeah"

"What you doing in their are you okay"dec asked concerned for his friend"U-um well sleeping"yes that was the best thing he could come up with at the moment"lying stevie"ant pushed"Comon out of their please"

Stephen for once did as asked even if he was freezing to death and his head felt like it was smashed against a wall a lot of times.When he emerged their was two selective gasps 

"Stephen what are you ok you don't look well"dec asked concerned"Im o-ok"
"Your not you look horrible"ant said.He felt a hand on his head"your warm stephen"dec told him like he didn't know he felt like death.

"Stevie you should go home and rest in an actual bed"ant whispered in his ear after coming near him "C-cant we hhave sstuff tto doo"he wined"No that can wait your not looking so hot pet"Dec told him.

He didn't want to go home he had a lot of stuff to do but he has a feeling that ant and dec will make him go home one way or another"Ffine"he whispered

"Okay i can take you home if that's okay"Dec stated."iits okkay i caan gget hoomee mmysseelf"coughing at the end "No i am taking you home understand"Dec said sternly .Stephen nodded and started to get up but felt the world spin.Ant caught him"It's okay i got you pet"he didn't feel so hot and was about to empty his stomach dec seemed to understand and grabbed the bin so he predeceased to empty his stomach "It's okay stevie let it out"ant said as he rubbed his back to sooth him.

Soon he was done and just wanted to sleep in his warm bed"Let's get you home hmm"dec said quietly seeing his friends discomfort.Ant helped put stephen in the car and buckle him"I'll tell simon what's going on"

"Okay thanks see you when i get back"dec said"Feel better steive"he would have replied but he was really drowsy "hmmf"ant laughed and shut the door"Okay stephen let's g-"stepehn was out of it.

Stephen Mulhern one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now