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I had recently found out that i hate sociology and the person that teaches it.Dude gave me a 70% on my one assignment and i never get anything below an 80 and now i peeved off.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU DO!"Ant yelled making the veins in his neck pop out,"I DON'T KNOW"Stephen yelled trying to put the big fire out.

"YOU DID SOMETHING"Shot Ant back at the younger man who was waving a towel into the fire"I KNOW HOW DO YOU PUT IT OUT!"The towel had caught on fire and Stephen was now freaking out"PUT IT DOWN PUT IT DOWN NOW"Stephen did put it down.

While the two were struggling to put out the two fires Dec decided to walk in and he was shocked.He watched as Stephen desperately stomp on the flaming towel and Ant trying to blow out a sightly bigger fire.

"What HAPPENED"he yelled getting the two's attention"He started a FIRE"Ant yelled pointing at Stephen who looked a little mad that Ant blamed him.

"It was an ACCIDENT"Which it was,he didn't mean to set the pizza on fire.It just happened."I will ask again,what happened"Dec asked a little irritated.

"He set the pizza on fire"Ant said while he watched Dec come over to him and grab the fire extinguisher that the other missed and put out both fires.

"I swear it was an accident,i read the instructions and put it to the right heat."He deafened himself.

"Yeah well obviously not cause you started a fire idiot"Stephen looked offended and Dec smacked Ant"Don't call him an idiot,apologize"Dec said"Sorry Stephen"

"It's fine"he mumbled and looked at the black pizza"Well are you two hungry"it's only a little chard"Dec" Ant said "Do not"he warned before picking the burnt pizza up and throwing it in the trash.

"Stephen you aren't allowed to make anything again"

"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT"he yelled at the two who were laughing."Screw you two"Stephen said before walking out of the room.

Stephen Mulhern one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now