His phobia

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Stephen sat nervously for his turn in the doctor's office, wiping at the beads of sweat that were forming on his forehead. He fidgeted in his seat, just the thought of needles sent chills down his spine. David Walliams, his sometimes friend, couldn't help but take advantage of the opportunity to make fun of him.

David joked, laughing, "Come on, Stephen, don't tell me the 'great magician' is afraid of a tiny needle," mocking Stephen.

Stephen gave him a glare, his eyes flashing with a mixture of humiliation and annoyance. "David, it's not funny. Just the needles make me queasy."

David kept teasing him. "Maybe we should call in a magician to make that fear disappear, huh?"Stephen glared even harder at David wishing David would shut up.

Stephen felt his legs turn to jello and he reluctantly got up when the nurse called his name. David trailed closely behind, his joyful smile never fading.

Stephen sat in the exam room, watching the nurse receive the needle, and attempted to gather himself. "Don't worry, Stephen, I'll make sure you don't disappear under the magic spell of that needle," David said, sensing Stephen's uneasiness.Well that shocked him since when did he actually care if Stephen was fine.

Stephen forced a weak smile at his friend's attempt to lighten the mood, despite his fear.If Stephen didn't know better it sounded like David cared. Stephen squeezed his eyes hard, preparing himself for the impending prick as the nurse came over with the needle.

He opened his eyes, surprised to see David standing next to him, a tiny toy magic wand in his hand. "Abracadabra!" David shouted and raised his wand in the air.

The unexpected move caused Stephen to burst into laughter. His phobia of needles seemed to go away, and the tension eased.He really didn't expect David to do this.

"Thanks, David," Stephen replied, grateful for his friend/enemy amusing support.While Stephen was laughing he didn't feel the tip of the needle go into his skin or when it went out.He only noticed when the nurse slapped a band aid on his arm.

"your all done."The nurse said smiling at Stephen who was looking like a fish out of water."That's it?"He questioned not believing he didn't feel it.


"Oh Stephen you were such a baby,I hope you know this will never be let down."David teased and Stephen believed him about that.

"Shut up."

"Lil Stevie."


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