Picky eater

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If there was something about Stephen Mulhern it was that he was one hell of a picky eater.He refused to eat fancy food,weird looking food,meat from restaurants.Well basically everything other than french fries and anything chicken related.

Well his eating habits never went unmissed by people close to him.Only few people actually were fine with his issue but others like his parents were not fond of the problem and well that caused him not to talk to them that much anymore.

Those who were fine with it was his two best friends who just teased him about in good nature.They found it funny when they all went out and Stephen gets into arguments with the waiter when he tries to order chicken fingers from the kids menus and the waiter says it isn't allowed.

But in the end Stephen gets what he wants,well with the help of Dec and Ant who basically gave the waiter no choice but to allow the chicken fingers.

One day, the trio decided to grab lunch together at a trendy new restaurant in town. As they looked over the menu, Stephen's eyes landed on the chicken tenders. Without hesitation, he declared, "I'll have the chicken tenders, please."

Dec and Ant couldn't help but chuckle. "Really, Stephen? Chicken tenders again?" Dec teased, a grin playing on his lips.

Stephen shrugged, a sheepish smile on his face. "Hey, I know what I like," he said defensively wanting his chicken tenders and a side of fries.

The waiter who was amused by the exchange, scribbled down Stephen's order and walked away. Dec and Ant continued to tease Stephen about his food choices, but he took it all in good humor.

When the food arrived, Stephen's plate of chicken tenders looked perfectly golden and crispy. He started to shove his mouth with them, savoring every bite. Dec and Ant couldn't help but laugh at their friend's childlike joy over chicken and fries.

"Hey Stephen don't bite your actual fingers,I doubt that'll taste good."Dec teased,earning an eye roll from the one stuffing his mouth of fries.

"Mind your own."Stephen said before grabbing his apple juice and taking a long sip from the  glass with a bendy straw making direct eye contact with both Ant and Dec.

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