Too much coffee

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It was really early in the morning when Stephen's alarm clock decided to be a menace and not shut up.Even not shutting up when he threw it against the wall so the day already started off as a disaster.

But it all really began when he decided he needed a pick me up.He had no idea that his typical cup of coffee would set off an entertaining chain of events that would land him in the hospital.

Stephen felt a sudden surge of energy go through his veins as he took a drink of his third cup of coffee. Thinking that a cup more would give him a boost for the day, he couldn't resist the urge to have one more. He had no idea that this choice would make him regret his coffee-fueled choices.

As the day went on, Stephen began to feel tense and nervous, speaking in quick, sharp phases while rushing around the set of his most recent TV show. His other presenters, Ant and Dec, who have been friends for a long time, couldn't help but watch his erratic behavior. They watched him dart back and forth, barely able to remain still for a moment, and they exchanged concerned glances.

"Looks like someone's had a bit too much coffee this morning," Dec whispered to Ant, trying to stifle a laugh.

Ant chuckled, nodding in agreement. "I think you're right. Stephen's acting like he's had a triple shot of espresso."

As the day dragged on, Stephen's hyperactivity appeared to get worse. To the delight of his co-stars and the crew, he started to sing and dance during takes. Everyone was laughing as they tried to keep up with his caffeine-fueled antics as his jokes got more and more ridiculous.

Before long, Stephen's energy was at an all-time high and he could not sit still or concentrate for longer than a few seconds. In a moment of adrenaline, he stumbled over a cable and fell hard, scattering his limbs and coffee cups all over the place.

Ant and Dec rushed to his side, trying to stifle their laughter as they helped him up. "Mate, you need to calm down. You're going to give yourself a heart attack at this rate," Ant joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Stephen groaned, clutching his chest in mock exaggeration. "I think I've had one too many coffees today. My heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest!"

Stephen continued to be quite hyperactive throughout the day. His energy levels seemed limitless as he kept bouncing around the set like a ball, making jokes and playing pranks on anybody in arm's reach.

However, fate came right when it seemed that everything could not become much worse. Stephen lost consciousness after falling into a pile of equipment due to severe insanity brought on by caffeine.

Ant and Dec rushed to his side, their laughter fading into concern as they realized the severity of the situation. "Stephen, wake up! Can you hear us?" Dec called out, shaking his friend gently.

Stephen groaned and opened his eyes, a dazed expression on his face. "What happened?" he mumbled, rubbing his head in confusion.

"You took a tumble, mate. Looks like you've had one too many coffees today," Ant quipped, trying to lighten the mood in spite of the seriousness of the situation.

As the paramedics arrived and whisked Stephen off to the hospital for observation, Ant and Dec couldn't help but exchange a knowing look. "Well, that's one way to end a day of filming," Dec mused, shaking his head in amusement.

Ant laughed, nodding in agreement. "Leave it to Stephen to turn a simple cup of coffee into a headline-worthy disaster. I can't wait to see how he explains this one to the doctor!"

Yeah neither Ant or Dec would be letting Stephen live this down for ending up in the hospital because of too much coffee.

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