Best gift

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Merry early Christmas guys,since i won't be posting tomorrow and since i plan on being depressed and stuff this will be a happy one :)

Stephen didn't like Christmas that much,he has is reasons and one of them was that he was always alone.His family always seemed to forget about him,don't call or write and wish his a merry Christmas.But he got over that and started his own tradition,drinking bourbon and eating boxed cereal.   

He was asked by his friends what he was doing for Christmas and he said nothing,of course Ant and Dec wouldn't be good friends if they didn't invite Stephen over but the younger man declined saying he didn't want to impose.

Ant and Dec didn't like that Stephen spent the holidays alone and of course he would decline any offer they give.Dec also couldn't figure out what to get Stephen because he was a hard person to shop for.It was Ant that came up with the idea,a dog.

It made sense to get him one after a dog is a man or women's best friend.Plus if he was lonely,which he is.He wouldn't be after having a dog.So Ant and Dec went to the pet shop and got a German Shepard,whose name was Apollo.He was 1 year old,brown and black with these cute eyes and was perfect for Stephen.

Dec got a name tag made,while Ant got the necessary items,food,bowls,toys and treats.At the end it was pretty pricey but they didn't care as long as their friend was going to no longer spend the holidays alone or even any day it was worth it.

Apollo was a ball of energy like Stephen was so it wouldn't be too hard for them to get along.The next day was Christmas so they were going to take the dog over now since Stephen should be sleeping and they had a key.

Once they got their suppositions were right because there was no light on he was sleeping hopefully.Dec unlocked the door,leading the way "Easy boy"Ant whispered controlling the dog.Apollo wagged his tail happily,Dec placed the stuff on the table and looked around.

He sighed sadly,the place was bare and there was no tree,well there was but it was tiny"Well Apollo should make him happy"Ant said and Dec couldn't agree more.Once everything was placed and there was food and water in the bowls,the boys gave one last pat to the dogs head and left.

It was now Christmas and Stephen woke up to the sound of something breaking he slowly went down the stairs a bat in hand ready to hit whoever it was.He stopped confused when he saw a dogs sniffing the broken vase"How did you get in here"Stephen said,the dog whipped his head up and trotted over to Stephen,sniffing his feet and hands.

He pushed the dog away and continued walking down the stairs and found a letter on his counter,

Merry Christmas Stevie X

 He looked at the dog who was looking at him and smiled"I love those boys"He whispered,rubbing the tears from his eyes and petted the dog's head.It was the best gift he ever got.

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