Clean your room Stephen

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It is no secret that Stephen,Ant and Dec the three presenters of their own shows and such were very close.The three had been friends for many years so obviously they had a close bond,that bond with the three extended to where the three actually lived together in a nice large house.

Despite their celebrity status, the trio lived like any normal group of friends would. They shared chores, cooked dinner together, and even went on vacations together. One thing that set them apart, however, was Stephen's dangerous messy room.

Stephen's room was a disaster area, with clothes strewn about, half-empty coffee cups littering the floor, and stacks of scripts and notes covering every surface. Ant and Dec had long since given up trying to keep it tidy, but Dec finally reached his breaking point one day.

"Stephen, you really need to clean up this room," Dec said, standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips.

Stephen looked up from his laptop, a look of confusion on his face. "What are you talking about, Dec? My room is fine the way it is."

Dec rolled his eyes. "Fine? Stephen, there's a literal biohazard growing in the corner over there. It's time to clean up."

Stephen let out an exaggerated sigh and closed his laptop. "Fine, fine, I'll clean it up. But I don't see what the big deal is."

Dec chuckled. "The big deal is that we have guests coming over tomorrow, and I don't want them to think we live in a frat house. Now get to work."

Stephen grumbled under his breath as he began picking up dirty clothes and tossing them into a hamper. Dec watched with amusement as Stephen muttered about the injustice of being forced to clean his own room.

As Stephen worked, he uncovered long-lost items buried under piles of clutter. He found old photos, notes from fans, and even a few trophies from when he started his career. It made him feel weird.

By the time he was finished, Stephen's room was spotless. He had even gone so far as to dust and vacuum, much to Dec's surprise. Dec clapped him on the back and praised his hard work.

"See, Stephen? Was that so hard?" Dec said, grinning.

Stephen shrugged. "I guess not. Maybe I'll try to keep it cleaner from now on."Though both knew that was a big lie.

And a lie it was,After the people Dec and Ant had over left Stephen redecorated his room with his clothes.

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